[hr][center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/f0b7f5cdefa2cf4adb118a4326d08b54ce3db948/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4e644d7954686d6e4d306d4330413d3d2d3437353135343532312e313465383565303034643230366338613930333932383130353233352e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img][/center][hr][h3][color=orchid]Isabel Velez:[/color][/h3] Isabel pretended not to notice his awkwardly 'nonchalant' answer. Still, she could not help but think that he looked adorable leaning against the door frame. It reminded her of the time they.... No, now is not the time to think about that. Before she could recollect her thoughts and answer him, he was shouting a question to Amy who seemed to want him to stay in the living room with her. She bit her lower lips once more to prevent herself from sighing. He didn't want to be left alone with her... which was perfectly reasonable, but it kind of hurt that he was actively avoiding her now. Fortunately for the both of them, Amy came in with the snacks. Isabel gave the younger girl a tight squeeze in return. [color=orchid]"Hey Amy,"[/color] she said mid-embrace. [color=orchid]"My dad is fine. Just working a lot of overtime even though I tell him not to."[/color] There was a knock on the door, and they all knew that it was Penelope. There was no way Milo was going to be on time for anything, and Justin was Milo's ride so he was going to be late by association. Adrian wasted no time to go and answer the door which caused Isabel to sigh visibly. There was no need to hide her feelings from Amy. [color=orchid]"... Maybe I should give him some more space..."[/color] she said softly so only the younger Turner could hear her. Her crestfallen expression was quickly replaced with a smile as Penelope walked into the living room. [color=orchid]"Good to see you again, Penny,"[/color] Isabel said. [color=orchid]"Yes, unlike those two idiots who always seem to get in trouble together."[/color] [hr][hr][h3][color=gray]Justin Kim[/color] & [color=teal]Milo Rodriguez:[/color][/h3] [color=gray]"I never want to be your ride ever again,"[/color] said Justin as he finally pulls up to the Turner's house. [color=teal]"Aw, you know that you love me,"[/color] Milo pouts while giving the Korean boy his best puppy dog eyes. If this was anyone else aside from Justin, it might have worked. But the older boy just looked at Milo with a disapproving look which caused Milo to 'cut it out'. [color=teal]"We're not even that late. We made amazing time."[/color] And he wasn't wrong. They were only ten minutes late instead of the usual twenty or thirty. They walked up to the gigantic door and pressed the door bell. Milo managed to knock out "All-Star", much to Justin's amusement. In Milo's arms was the board game that they had picked up in the garage sale. Justin still did not have a good feeling about the game, but it did cost him ten bucks that he was certain he was never going to get back from Milo. So they might as well play it. [color=teal]"Do you think Penelope is already there?"[/color] Milo asked as they waited for someone to answer the door. [color=gray]"We're late. Everyone is probably already there."[/color] [color=teal]"Huh. You're right."[/color]