Tiral nodded quietly as he watched the troll that he had been focusing on begin charging towards him. He had already accepted that the possibility of getting it's attention was almost 100 percent, and so it was almost a given that his barrage of magic would continue on. One after another, the magical weapons continued to fly out at the troll, turning the enemy into a walking pincushion. Ideally, someone or something would topple it from the back to send all the weapons through its body (or, at the very least, cause them all to shatter and cause internal collateral damage so that others could finish it off), but until that moment came he would continue here. The moment he heard the voice of a child, though, Tiral's head immediately snapped to face the source. With no trace of anyone having been there, though, all the mage could do was try and make sense of the very obvious warning for the Captain's safety. Pausing his own magic for a moment, Tiral turned towards the battlefield and squinted in an attempt to find the Captain in the middle of the chaotic battlefield. Luckily enough, it wasn't very difficult to differentiate between the two forces, though they were off in the distance, and it didn't take long for the mage to pick out that the Captain was indeed engaging with one of the enemy trolls. Unlike some of the crazier Knights, though, she wasn't particularly built for dealing one of those monstrosities alone. After thinking for a moment, Tiral turned his magical barrage towards the troll attacking Fanilly before shouting at the people around him. "Listen up! The second we get that second troll's attention, we're going to begin to move around and drag them away from the rest of their main forces! Do not, under any circumstances, stop attacking them! If we remove the larger threats and allow the rest of the Knights to clean up what's left, then we can systematically clean up the rest! Are we clear?" he declared, not waiting for an answer before snapping the reins of his horse with his spare hand. With the dagger still aimed at the other troll, Tiral calmly began to move his horse around, his eyes snapping between both targets in case any of them moved into a lumbering sprint. Hopefully, they wouldn't be able to in their state, but it was never bad to be safe here.