Disgaea OC. Name: Rowan Thorodan Gender: Male Race: Human, probably. Class: Hero Homeworld: Earth Unit type: Humanoid Appearance: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/f/f5/Wave_anime_design.png/revision/latest?cb=20161027201615[/img] Bio: Rowan's story started off like many other hero's stories when an evil overlord crashed down on his world causing suffering and destruction and general badness on to it and destroyed Rowan hometown. Well, you know how this goes Rowan picked up a sword went on an adventure and killed the overlord somehow avoided being crowned the new overlord and then rode off into the sunset to go on more adventures, then he died in battle. Which he was quickly resurrected, which would be the first resurrection of many, due to every time he was resurrected he had to go on an epic quest which in turn boosted his reputation which caused him to get resurrected by more people to solve issues. Which caused his latest resurrection to solve some problem related to the plot of this rp, which for some story related reasons his level was reset back to one. Personality: Rowan being forcefully resurrected numerous times is quite genre savvy and with a good dose of snark mixed into and slightly depressed and really sick of the whole resurrection. He reacts to life usually in a calm and mellow tone mostly due to the fact that he died multiple times and is quite used to it by now. He also has some sort of common sense which is rare in this universe, but doesn't seem to help him in the fact that it's this universe. Likes: Meat dishes, reading, sleeping Dislikes: Resurrections, pickles, these kids and their fancy transformation belts. Weapon affinities: Sword:A Fist:A Spear:B Bow:C Axe:B Gun:D Staff:D Fighting style: Rowan uses a really simple fighting style focused on swordsmanship and with the occasional hand to hand move thrown in. Really freaking boring. Evilities: Token Hero ability: When put at half hp or less the unit gains a major stat boost. My name is!: all enemies gain a minor stat decrease and all allies gain a minor stat boost when near this unit. Plot armor: If hit by a fatal attack, this unit survives with one hp. One use per battle. Skills: Blazing Kick!: Rowan jumps into the air sets his foot on fire and then jumps kick the enemy in the face causing them to explode. It's basically a rider kick. Holy armament: Rowan summons a large amount of holy swords before raining them down on the enemy. Then they explode. The sword that strikes down evil!: Rowan creates a sword made out of energy that reaches the sky and out into space before rushing forward and cutting then in half. Fire magic.