[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/372373439673139200/Catherine.png[/img][/centre] [color=salmon]Catherine watched as Nunchucks walked around inspecting the scene, soaking in anything that might be important. Catherine still hadn't seen what it looked like in the kitchen but frankly she didn't want to, death was such a horrid and permanent thing she found it hard to deal with. Catherine smiled as Nunchucks comforted the waitress, she looked so relived but still very shaken as she told Nunchucks everything she knew, she was then told to be given the best care they had. Catherine's smile vanished and was replaced with a look of horror as the woman's brain case was blown to bits in a spectacular fashion.[/color][color=firebrick][i] Haha holy shit! Look at that, it went everywhere![/i][/color][color=salmon] Catherine was far to distracted with the spectacle to be bothered by Aranea's reaction. She covered her mouth and looked over at Nunchucks her eyes watering, why would he let this happen? It was only after Nunchucks gave his explanation that she was already long gone, he just made sure she got sent there with hope in her heart rather then fear as her humanity was pulled away. She wasn't happy with it but she couldn't deny that he was correct, she just wish there was a better way to deal with it. She felt her hands shaking a little. Then Nunchucks was back to being sceptical of their innocence this made Catherine very scarred, what if he was going to have them all killed right now? She felt one of her arms spasm a little as Aranea obviously shared the same thoughts. Catherine grabbed her twitchy arm and kept here eyes on Nunchucks. Then Nunchucks let his little secret spill, just when she didn't think things could get more messed up, it turned out that this wasn't the first set of murders that had happened. Nunchucks and his men have been covering up deaths for god knows how long. Catherine couldn't help but feel betrayed, Nunchucks the man she'd put her trust had been hiding things from her and the whole of Pallet Town. Admittedly it was probably for the best to avoid a panic but it was still bad lying to your people. The Nunchucks went a step further. Now he was a lair and he was crazy. What did he mean a Scooby-Doo mystery team? Catherine had just met most of these people and now she was expected to solve a crime with them while also holding up the lie that was being told to the public? The shock from this idea almost made Catherine forget she'd just watched this man order a woman's head to get blown apart. Catherine tilted her head and managed to squeak out a question.[/color][color=plum] "S-so you want us to find this m-murderer? While also keeping t-their existence hidden?"[/color][color=salmon] Catherine paused for a moment and a grin crept across her face [/color][color=firebrick]"Oh actually. Do we get to kill them after we find them?"[/color][color=salmon] Catherine's whole demeanour changed almost instantly after she spoke, no longer was she crouched or hunched. She stood tall and proud, all the while a malicious grin was plastered on her pale face. Her tone also changed from shaky and afraid to straight forward and slightly seductive. It was almost like a completely different person had taken her place, though this was only half true. Aranea was now at the helm, and she was really hoping she would get to kill the person responsible. She'd never gotten to end the life of a person yet, and she looked forward to the experience.[/color]