[center][img]http://www.cutmypic.com/uploads/title164244655.png[/img] [color=gray][h2]Kage[/h2][/color][/center] Talking with this man was ketting on Kage’s nerves. Something about his mannerisms irritated her. She wished he would go away. Plus he stank. [quote][color=f26522]"Ya know you joined not to long ago and already you're kicking some major ass with these jobs," [/color][color=f26522]"You've even gotten a few admirers that are just dying to know you're past. Ya know since you got this whole mystery girl thing going on,"[/color][/quote] Irritation gave way to unease then slight panic. She didn’t need this. Not now. Not when she had just settled in here. Independent of her inner turmoil, Kage coolly leveled her gray eyes at Jack. This conversation was starting to get uncomfortable. She sought for an escape. She needed a way to throw him off. Something that will abort this line of questioning. Something that will... [quote][color=f26522]"I could care less about you're past though, I'm just interest in the way you fight. Similar magic, but different ways of using them," [/color]he looked to her with a hint of excitement in his eyes. [color=f26522]"One of these days we need to spar with each other, see which one is stronger and learn a few new tricks. What do ya say, think you're down with a friendly brawl?" [/color] He asked with enthusiasm. [color=f26522]"Loser has to pay for a full round of drinks for the whole guild."[/color] he said setting the bar a bit higher.[/quote] Ah-ha. She slid a mask into place. Kage stared at him with a flat expression. She drew in a breath to reply. With a serious expression she said, [color=gray]“So you’re saying you want sex?”[/color] The resulting rainbow in the sudden spray of beer was quite beautiful. However, Kage almost regretted the low blow. Almost. [@Joker892]