[hr][hr][center][h1][color=cyan]Kosara Koleva[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/4e7b4e9acf03046167ba5c00d1ebba70/tumblr_inline_mpu5ueOUWB1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=cyan][b]Location[/b][/color]: Lake [/center][hr][hr] [color=cyan]“Hmm for future reference, let's always keep a few of the trapped bullets just in case.”[/color] Kosara proposed as Abe told her he did not in fact bring any demon specialized tools. Not that she brought any herself, though that said this was an oversight. Out here in the forest away from the car and any main source of tools to combat the evil, it was rather unfortunate.[color=cyan]” You do know you cannot really last any even reasonable time in a melee fight with a demon right?” [/color]She asked him, though he did have a point. If it came down to it, she'd have to either banish the demon away, trap it and or evacuate the children away from the lake area. When the sound of movement was heard as Abe aimed his gun, Kosara was using gripped her wrapped in cloth sword, ready to whack the possible attacker in a smooth draw, but it wasn't required in the end. It turned out to eb the private detective who was hired by Riley's parents to find her. Rather curious place to find him to be... though if he was here then he was doing work. Still at least she didn't point a gun at him. [color=cyan]“Now now, no need to get all angry you two.” [/color]Kosara suggested with a smile, her overall body posture suggesting a certain degree of relaxation, but she still was ready to jump like a spring and attack.