[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363852730487275521/374010422996762625/coollogo_com-277831008.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354788242224185348/359206978540797953/2Q.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]~| Location: Unknown|~[/h3][/center] [i][color=rosybrown]“I know I’m different. Than what you expected. But I’ve been playing a role. It’s time that you know the truth.”[/color][/i] Vae sang inside her mind when the fae departed to allow them to clean up. Her figure shifted inside on of the rooms, humming the lyrics, as she closed the door completely. It wasn’t completely private but it did provide some distance. Granted that anyone could walk inside the room at any given time. [color=rosybrown]”You may not want me anymore. I’m not what you’ve been looking for. But under these pieces and parts. Is a beautiful heart and it loves you.”[/color] The girl knew her singing voice wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t the perfect pitch for an actual singer would be able to use but it wasn’t the worst. The young woman knew her second oldest sister’s voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard making everyone cringe in pure pain. [color=rosybrown]”I’ve been waiting for so long. To feel like I’m whole. More than what you see. Please don’t define me. This is bigger than you and I. So give me a chance. And meet me at midnight.”[/color] Vae’s voice smoothly continued as she grabbed the clothes that laid upon the bed she would be using. Her fingers grasped the [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/369761117842702340/387784569727746071/AnimeGothBlue-revised-1-Copy3.png]outfit[/url] before walking out the door and into the bathing area. [color=rosybrown]”Always told what to believe. Now nothing is quite what it seemed. It’s a battle of head verus heart. Can’t tell them apart like before.”[/color]