[@Garth] Aight, accepted. It's much better now. [@The Angry Goat] Alright, it seems to be a recurring issue that people don't seem to understand properly-- the only catalyst that a mage can use is a tome. There's no other "catalyst" that works in order to create magic. How does she come into Dramon's services? [@Emma] Like I said with Goat, the only catalyst that's viable for a mage is their own tome. It's likely that a woman wouldn't look pregnant while carrying one baby, but two is pretty unlikely... maybe dial it down to how long into the pregnancy Leda found out she was pregnant? When Jaz was ill, maybe tone down her disease; even in medieval fantasy, contracting pneumonia was basically a death sentence, cause that means they'd have to drain the water out of the lung and that's hard to treat even today. A fever or even the flu is deadly enough for her, I think. Why does she believe in the False Gods more than the Creator? Believing them instead of the Creator is like believing in Satan or one of those weird golden cow idols than God or Allah or any other "major" and "good" god. I don't mind it if she does, but I feel like there should be a reason [i]why[/i] she does. Like with the other characters, how does she come into Dramon's service? Since they're all going south and all.