[center][img]http://www.cutmypic.com/uploads/title164244655.png[/img] [color=gray][h2]Kage[/h2][/color][/center] It worked. Sort of. An invisible tension in the air unwound. Kage didn’t outright laugh with Jack, but pure amusement sparkled in her eyes, and she had a small grin on her otherwise impassive face. She shook her head to his questions. [color=gray]“Kidding.”[/color] She said. [color=gray]“No interest in...”[/color] She trailed off and waved away his shadow woman with a shadow of her own, signaling what she ment. Then she abruptly went quiet. A long strange silence passed after Jack offered his challenge. She sat there absolutely still, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. She was honestly perplexed by his offer. The idea of fighting for...for fun confused her. When people drew a gun or a sword, they drew it with the intention of hurting another. That is what those tools were for. To her, Magic was a similar tool, although one with a myriad of other uses. Perhaps a hammer was a better analogy, she thought. One often swung a hammer at a nail, but when would one need to swing a hammer at a person? Only if they intended bodily harm. One did not swing a hammer at a person to practice for hammering nails. Just like one didn’t use dangerous magic against another on a whim. The likelihood of injury was too high. However, the world wasn’t such a nice place. To live, to be free, one would have to be good at swinging that hammer. She knew this too well. After several minutes of blank silence, Kage abruptly remembered that Jack existed. [color=gray]“I’m terrified.”[/color] She said quietly. Of what, she didn’t elaborate. She stood, picked up and put on her mask, sgnaling the end of the conversation. She gathered up the used dishes and utensils, then walked away. A few steps and she stopped. [color=gray]“There is no such thing.”[/color] She turned her head to face Jack, nothing but the expressionless white mask showed. [color=gray]“As a ‘friendly brawl’.”[/color] Without another word she walked a loop around the table once, then brought the dishes back to the bar. [@Joker892]