Hey, Mr. Gains, Thank you for the courtesy, however you need not apologize to me. I am neither impatient or upset with you. This RP will not likely sprout legs and run away, so short of some variety of cataclysmic event that ends civilization as we know it, then it isn't going anywhere. I believe in time our RP will grow and flourish into something great, but good things take time and urgency taints quality. Therefor no reason for burden or pressure can be found, and as much as writing is fun, I would hate to think that you are in any way tempted to sacrifice time with your family to RP with a stranger. So please, take your time and enjoy participating when you discover a chance to do so. Flavor is best savored. To answer your postscript, I may or may not have some PM RP's on the go at the moment, but as for anything subject to the prying eyes of the open forum, you have been my only choice thus far, and I still feel honored you accepted my proposal. In time I might choose to partake in other open forum RP's, but nothing definitive has struck me yet. [hr] P.S. How am I at being Scholar-ish? :3 [hr] Btw, did you happen to glimpse my first addition to Locus Fauna? I had fun creating it :)