October 29th Amnesty Bay, Maine 7:49pm Girard looked out over Amnesty Bay from on top of one of the couple tallest buildings surveying the streets for any unnatural movement on the pavement. It had been only a matter of time before the Mudos would end up making an appearance apparently as it moved up the coast from South America city to city. He had been keeping tabs on how quickly reports of them popped up and where the past couple of days in preparation should they show up because by the sound of it they were absurdly hard to put down and it was right around his area of expertise to deal with. The dead presented a major threat when attacking en-mass so he would just have to exercise some of his strength to wipe out as many in as short of time possible hopefully before they got anywhere near civilians or police officers alike. This was what he did after all now and he sure as shit wouldn't back down with a possible threat at home in the cards so for now he waited and watched moving from roof to roof as needed to get better vantage points on the graveyard or other possible places his enemies could pop up. The big man's patience was rewarded not long after as he began to see the slow shambling mass rumble towards the main road downtown where some measures had been set up to fortify the place on very short notice. It was far from pretty but it would buy some time if the Mudos pushed up to them which was all he could have hoped for on their part but it was good to see some measures were taken. A certain foreman may or may not have pushed for such a thing alongside a growing and nervous community in agreement so it ended up getting done with help from whoever was available and willing which was a decent amount. For his part as protector they would just have to trust him, he was an illegal vigilante after all but the police seemed to appreciate his help even if they didn't make it known publicly, but it was a role as well as standard he had no intention of breaking anytime soon for they're sake as much as his. In a few hops the helmeted figure was right over the incoming path of the restless dead getting a last moment or two of mental preparation before hopping down to literally bust some heads among other bits if it was necessary to bring them down. Despite them being walking corpses he found it a kind of distasteful thing to severely mangle the Mudos but if it made everything safer it was a price he was willing to pay and it wasn't nearly as bad as an accidental on a living person, he was so glad to have gotten control of his powers early but he wasn't perfect and he never let himself think otherwise. With a step he descended down to street level cracking the sidewalk on impact a bit before walking out to the center of the road to face off towards the angry looking horde. The big guy didn't like the look of it from this perspective though in actuality they were harmless to him but it wasn't any less disturbing to look at all the stumbling bodies tirelessly trudging forward. Beyond the first moment of hesitation as he decided on how best to make a disaster zone of zombies, Tank reared up and charged at full gallop putting some of his super strength to work turning the large man into a battering ram in a hurry just short of tearing up the ground as he moved. The glorious sight of hundreds of Mudos going flying/getting crushed underfoot with a muffled roar coming from underneath the helmet of Girard's was the result making one massive racket in the process. He stopped himself after a few seconds after getting into the grouping deciding to deliver some punches that would have been suited for fighting tanks to project more of the zombies into the larger clusters like bowling balls into pins. In the next moment he began jumping back and forth all through the crowd to crush and grind the undead into the asphalt while covering as much ground as he could trying to be time efficient with his family and friends at stake. This is how he figured he could clear out a majority of them and so far it was working stunningly as the dead became fewer in number allowing him to basically just start picking off the stragglers with powerful strikes that were practically disintegrating to make sure they stayed down without much trace of them left intact. In the end once the rest of the hostile corpses were dead he took a moment to breathe as finally all of the craziness was over and the city could go back to being a mostly safe place in more normal circumstances. Tank had to admit one thing tonight for sure, he was beginning more and more to see why Zoey hated magic so much. Things were difficult enough normally without shit like this ruining a perfectly good evening in his city but at least everyone was fine from what he could tell as some officers came out to see if it was really all over. [color=A9A9A9]"All done. Triple checked it just in case."[/color] Girard said turning his head to speak to the law enforcers, [color=A9A9A9]"I know you might not be too fond of me or my antics sometimes but its my city too. Gotta keep it as good as we can one way or the other so have a good night and get some rest so we can all keep up with the trouble for tomorrow."[/color]