Kacey let out a sigh as she watched Cin storm off. She hadn't meant to be that harsh, but unfortunately her mouth had a way of making everything she said be like a dagger to whomever received her words. Kacey had just been moving to go after her when Laura had brushed by her, casting a glare at Kacey. Cin reminded her very much of how Laura had been as a young girl, headstrong, jumped onto things, no filter. She knew what it was like to suffer and have a hard life, yet still managed a sort of naivety. Kacey had often gone off on Laura like that, giving her long winded lectures, and often earning the same response as Cin had given. The glare Laura shot in her direction informed her that her sister must be thinking along the same lines as her. She had always scolded herself for being harsh on her sister, always promised herself she'd do it differently next time, try to be nicer about it, let her win a little bit, just [i]something[/i], but then Laura would get on her nerves, Kacey would snap, and cycle repeat. Needless to say, Kacey was now in a fairly foul mood and lost in her thoughts, causing her to barely hear what Des had said. "I'll think about it." She responded before turning in the direction of Pegs. Animals had always been the one thing Kacey found comfort in, because they loved you completely unconditionally. They didn't care what you said to them, they'd just sort of stare at you for a second before returning to whatever they were doing. And if you did get them mad, just bring them food and all is forgiven. It was so much more simple than all the complexities humans had to them. Plus, caring for the horse gave her an excuse not to talk to humans. "Heya Pegs." Kacey greeted, the horse responding with a low rumble as her owner drew near. The horses were pretty much left to wander in the valley, as they had the only way out blocked off, and the horses knew where the food was, so they'd never had an issue with horses running off. The few horses that were flight risks stayed in a makeshift corral not far from where the other horses were grazing. Going over to her tack, Kacey started rummaging through her saddle bag, taking out what she wouldn't need, putting in what she would, and doing general maintenance on the gear to make sure everything was in order.