[center][img]https://cs.mg.co.za/crop/content/images/2014/12/17/captainamericamarvel.jpg/800x450/[/img] [b][sub][sub][h3]C H A P T E R O N E[/h3][/sub][/sub] [sup][sup][h2][color=ed1c24]A M E R I C A S[/color] # 1 [color=00aeef]H E R O[/color][/h2][/sup][/sup][/b][/center] The Doctor turned to one of his lab assistants, god he hated the yellow uniforms they had to wear. "The shipment is coming in today, this will allow us to proceed to the next stage in our plan-" "What of shield?" "Shield doesn't matter, once the process is complete we'll be deemed national heroes by the American People [i]and[/i] the American Government, which will allow us to move onto the next phase of our plans." "But Sir-" The Doctor scowled at his lab assistant. "That's enough questions, get out of here and go get me coff-" With that there was a loud crash as a shield came flying through the window, and with a woosh of air Sam Wilson landed in the middle of the room, his wings folding up and catching the shield as it bounced back into his hands. "Nobody move, you're all under arrest." Sam sighed as they all moved for guns, ducking down under a table he also raised his shield to block the incoming fire. Of course they moved, nobody ever listened when you told them not to move. He sighed as he shot up into the air, wings extended, bringing them in as he twisted kicking a man in the torso. Extending his wing and arm to the left he slapped someone else in the face throwing them backwards as he ducked and rolled under some nearby cover. Just then he heard shouting and more weapons firing, his team was now belaying down through the smashed window that he had entered from. Right on schedule. He stood up, ready to move however what he saw shocked him. It wasn't his forces that had entered the fray... [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/0/02/Hydra_%28Earth-616%29_from_Captain_America_Vol_6_18_Cover.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20130926105526[/img][/center]