[h2]Mordred[/h2] Mordred gave Menomaru one last, long glare before tossing him to the ground. She didn't care what her temporary, substitute Master said. If that bastard brought up her Father again, she'd kill him. After everything else he'd done, or tried to do, bringing up her Father was just the icing on the cake. She didn't see how he deserved anything [i]but[/i] death to be frank, but for now she'd control herself. For now. Besides... the local armed forces appeared to have shown up. The blonde knight folded her arms, cocking her head to the side. Assurances of safety? Like they could do a damn thing. In fact, that was confirmed to her when the child vampire used what little magical power she had to disarm them in an instant. Her anger cooling a little, though her irritation at the intervention of these soldiers mounting, she stepped forward. "Look, you're just plain outmatched," she began, unfolding her arms and shrugging, "You wanna guarantee our safety, huh? There's not a damn thing you could do. What kind of morons are you to think you could handle that?" Mordred gave the soldiers a rather sharp grin. "You should just take it easy and let us take care of it. Go back home and be proud of the fact you met a true knight, that's the only job you can handle now!" [@PKMNB0Y][@KoL][@Dezuel][@Rin][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]Vita[/h2] As Vita was closing in, preparing to crush the man with her hammer... suddenly there were boulders. Immense stones blocking her way, all around her. For only a moment, her momentum ceased. Where had they come from!? Who had stopped her!? Quaking, and with an angry shout, she raised her hammer and brought it down once. Then twice. She wouldn't just let these rocks get in the way! She'd pound that guy into the dirt until there was nothing left! The only thing that would eventually distract her somewhat, even as the rock in front of her started to crumble, was the arrival of the JSDF. "This is official TSAB business!" she snapped, finally brought out of her anger, if only for a moment. At least, enough for her desire to kill the man to fade. Just a bit. [@PKMNB0Y][@KoL][@Dezuel] [hr] [h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] One of the metal things, a car if Youmu recalled correctly, suddenly came careening towards her. There were people inside. A little girl in the back seat opposite to her She had to stop. She couldn't just allow those people to die. Raising Roukanken, she shifted the blade so that the flat pointed towards the vehicle and braced it in both hands. Seconds later, the car slammed into her, the side of the vehicle slamming into the youkai-forged blade. The impact jolted Youmu's small frame, sending the short half-phantom skidding back across the street with a yelp as pain shot up both arms. But Roukanken held fast, and eventually both the girl and the car came to a halt, the vehicle rocking gently as it did. She had dented the side of the car, but otherwise everyone inside looked fine, albeit certainly frightened and confused. [@TheFake][@PKMNB0Y]