[center][h2]Bisuto Ketsu[/h2] [@AngelofOctober][@Gardevoiran][@Alias][@TheRedWatcher][/center] [hr] Jenga towers...? Ketsu cocked an eyebrow unintentionally, taking another sip of his drink as Yuno berated herself for revealing that aspect of herself. Still, he could come up with reasons for the task that were positive - perhaps a form of meditation, or she just found it fun. Of course, he was offering internal beratements of the hobby, labelling it a fool's errand, but it was enough to remind himself that pastimes such as stamp collection also existed. As a matter of fact... 'No need to worry, Yu,' he soothed, keeping his tone level to show he meant no offense. 'Everyone has something they like doing, after all. I, for one, am fond of playing games of chess against myself; I kind of figure, people see a guy playing chess, the immediate assumption is "nerd", when... well, my aim is not to come off as nerdy, and I don't like showing it off often, either way.' Half-true; he didn't often participate in games of chess against real opponents, because he tended to play against himself not for fun, but to improve his tactical thinking. How could he make the best advantage of the resources he had, how could he hit his opponents with overwhelming force... or, say, force from an angle they weren't expecting? Perhaps it'd be better if he did challenge himself against other chess players, but he'd rather not risk them gaining evidence to support any errant theories from his usual strategies.