[hider= Not here] [center][color=silver][h2]Jamie Shiloh Warren[/h2][/color][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8F1NwrHBIU[/youtube][/center] Age: 22 Alias: Sketch Alignment: Anti-hero - “If...there’s anything you need, feel free to ask for my help,” pauses, “oh but...maybe not moving a body to a different location.” takes another pause “and….torture isn’t really good. How about this, nothing gross.” Loyalty: Independent Appearance: Tall runs in the Warren genes and yet you somehow missed the tall, lengthy and willowy build of a young man with shaggy blonde hair that honestly looked like it needed some attention. He was trying to make himself as small as possible, which was concerning because it was working and he seemed agitated with you looking at him. Finding ways to distract himself, that ended bringing more attention on him. The young man had a softer jaw than the one Victor possessed, but it was easily related with the other because of it’s shape. He too had broad shoulders which only made it more interesting to see how much he could squeeze himself into a tight space or use Victor as a tower shield. Unlike his brother, he wore loose fitting shirts that billowed over his willowy, lanky frame, with loose fitting jeans with tears and rips, which gave the impression of either someone with no money or someone with no care for fashion. His canvas shoes were worn down, teared at the edges, the soles were falling apart and had been placed together with tape. [hider= This is embarrassing][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/kBFhXm/Jamie.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] At 5’10”, 177cms, and 130 pounds, 58kgs, he was a lanky slim jim compared to the imposing tower his brother embodies. While Victor tries to bring the rooms attention, Jamie is trying to avoid any attention, finding ways to ghost into a corner or find a place that he can squeeze or simply make himself scarce. At twenty-two he has a tendency, especially on the phone, to give someone the impression of a nineteen year old. His tone of voice is much lighter than his brothers, though it carries some of the same husky qualities, though quite more hoarse than Victor’s voice. He often gives the vibe of someone not use to speaking due to slight stuttering in new situations. [center][color=blue][h2]Sketch[/h2][/color][/center] Is trying to do the best he can. He doesn’t always believe he has great ideas, and doesn’t always believe he can save the world. But Sketch just has to believe in himself more. Sketch can show people that you don’t always have to do succeed to be successful. Sometimes failure is learning and succeeding next time. Humility and modesty is the key to any heroes success. Sketch doesn’t wear anything elaborate, because he doesn’t have the time or any money, but a hero shouldn’t be defined by the amount of gadgets he has. Something about his costume should mean something more than fancy new gear. Sketch cloak is meant to conceal his identity, but the red lining of the cloak is to help cars see him at night. Remember safety first. His coat has pockets on the outside, not depicted in actual drawing. The pockets carry his equipment. He wears a simple long sleeve t-shirt under his cloak and a pair of gray khakis, that he wears in the pair of boots someone important gave him and he refused to wear them till this current occasion. The person special to him has probably most likely forgot they argued about the boots or even bought them for them, but this is the way Sketch has made up to them. He wears black fingerless gloves, just in case it gets cold, but needs to grip onto something. [hider= Sketch of Sketches Clothes][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/c4khXm/sketch8.png[/img][/center][/hider] Sketch mask went through many additions because it had to represent who he was. He took the time with many different materials till he finally came up with a design of his own. Really a modify hockey mask, that he tried to make look like it had painting marks on it. The hollow of his eyes have night vision goggles that he rigged into the wiring of the mask, but honestly sometimes it doesn’t work so well because it was one of those cheap night vision goggles you get from toys kids use to be spies. The red of his cheeks are reflective to be able to be seen by car headlights at night. [hider= Concept Sketch's Mask][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/n5znyR/mask15.png[/img][/center][/hider] He makes do with what he has though. And that’s all you can really ask for a hero. Because a hero shouldn’t be expected to do things outside of their means and people shouldn’t placed such high expectations on them. That puts the weight of the world on their shoulders alone and sometimes that can make Sketch feel very lonely. [center][h2]Personality[/h2][/center] Motivations: Honestly, am I selfish person to say that I am doing it because I want to meet people and hopefully find someone like me? Does that make me a terrible person? I just want to feel like I belong and am providing something to the world. I can’t connect to people as is, they don’t always make much sense to me. They hard to read. No means yes and yes means no. But if I do something like, help, or somehow make their lives better in some way. Maybe they’ll just remember that deed and that’s how I can understand them. Sexuality: Maybe I am a child, Woman are pretty to look at, but I don’t know about having sex with anyone. The concept is sort of gross, isn’t it? It’s all….uncomfortable looking. Everyone is sweating and it seems really unhygienic. Marital Status: Single Likes: Animals - What you see is what you get. They are honest about the way they feel instead of using coded language. They don’t lie and try to cover it up by saying they were sparing your feelings. Doesn’t it hurt either way when you find out it was a lie and be lied to? But I also admit I am not good at taking care of them. I don’t always remember when to do a certain thing. Comics - I guess what appeals to most people about comic books is that it takes them away to another world where superheroes really exist. And I guess for me it’s just a teaching moment of how to deal with problems in life. Inside my mind to get through the day I am a hero, but when I really am a Hero then I guess all these comic books seem really silly and extremely fantasized about the reality of what that responsibility means. Drawing - It’s always been a way where I can discern the most. When you draw you can make comparisons in your daily life. What I like about drawing is that things can be as exaggerated as you want them. I guess it’s also why I like video games and comic books, because the emotions are clear. Exaggerated, but clear. It’s how I learn to understand people. Video Games - About really the same thoughts about comics. It’s just a form of escapism that allows you to change your reality. Or feel like you’re in a different reality. Dislikes: Loud Noises - Especially when they come out of nowhere, and make a noise you weren’t at all expecting. It can be quite disorientating wherever you are. Crowds - They are loud, they are always in your way and you can never find the person you were with once you get caught up in a crowd., Aggressive Yelling - Hostile yelling is really disconcerting. It makes you feel trapped in a situation because you’re not so sure what to do. Your brain freezes up and it’s like your fight or flight is so overwhelmed that you just feel paralyzed in that situation. Lying - All lying is bad lying. Whether you were doing it to spare someone’s feelings or you were doing it out of the intention to get away with the lie. Lying is a bad thing. Only problems is I don’t really know how to spot a lie, so I guess I can still be lied to and not know. But you should feel ashamed. Weird Textures - Weird textures are just weird. Especially when you brush across them and have instant regret that you ever did. Shoe and Clothing Shopping - It’s not just all of the things above that’s bothersome about clothes and shoe shopping. Its loud and crowded and very bright. But then they never sell what you’re already wearing. If I could be like a cartoon character and owe the same pair of clothes for the rest of my life I would be set. But instead they have to change design, you cannot find the right shoes that look exactly like the ones you have, and so and so forth. [hider= History] Jamie is and always will be Victor's younger brother. With ten years apart in the difference of their age sometimes it feels like he’s been chasing Victor for ages. Mainly because his parents considered his behavior “Problems”. Is what they were called on a regular basis. Jamie didn’t start speaking until he was five and his parents were concerned about this behavior because they were worried about performance in kindergarten. So they did what every good hearted parent would do, force their child into behaving in a satisfactory manner for them. Instead of finding solutions and reasons behind his behavior. That would have been rational. Nothing they ever did was rational when it came to him. He remembers school being unbearable to handle. It was too loud. It was crowded and he never really understood what the kids meant. Which meant on a daily basis he was tricked into a number of scams he never learned from. And who was to be blamed? Why of course him? Because he would have screaming fits and meltdowns. There clearly was no logical reason for it. He was just a poorly behaved kid throwing tantrums when he didn’t get his way. Though he always tried to explain it, that his brain was like a soda can. It’s calm, but when people shake it and he feels overwhelmed it explodes outward. After a while when his meltdowns were what were getting him in trouble he began to internalize his problems by shutting down. Guess what that got him in trouble too. Apparently being silent and not saying a word was as offensive as screaming out because you were overwhelmed. Nothing Jamie ever did was win win for everyone it was win for everyone else and a lost for himself. Victor use to pay attention to him. Use to do things with him. But then the family had a big falling out when Victor enacted his own plan. He left for med school at eighteen leaving Jamie ten more years until he was “adult” enough to have his own sense of freedom. It was from there the only good thing his parents ever did for him, speech therapy. Otherwise it was Jamie use your words. You know the silent treatment doesn’t work on us. Quit being quiet. Why are you so quiet. Jamie use your words with what you want. Can’t you behave like a normal child. He wouldn’t say his parents were abusive, but his mother did get frustrated with him at times. When the grocery shopping trip became too much for him and he started crying, she’d tell him he was too old for this behavior. When he wouldn’t stop crying she’d drag him out of the store and sit him in the car with the window rolled down and left him there while she continued her shopping. When he would point instead of ask to pass the butter, he was hit across the cheek. Told use your words. He didn’t want to use his words. Why did you have to use your words for butter. They were all at the same table and pointing was much easier. Kids at school thought he was gullible and easily manipulated, he was. So he followed along with them and got in a lot of trouble because they managed to get him to do things he shouldn’t have done. Of course when the authority figures came into the picture, it was of course always Jamie's fault. So his favorite places to go where the places he drew, and video games. He remembers at early age thinking to himself much he wish these places were real. He wished he could live in these worlds. Then perhaps he’d be considered normal. Maybe they would accept who he was or better yet maybe he could be a hero in that world. In those worlds everyone would like him and accept him no matter who he was. It seemed childish and naive to think even those worlds would accept him. But he liked it better than he liked his own life. Honestly there were times when he would lie in his bedroom when his TV time was taken away because he was went quiet after his father yelled at him, that he contemplated suicide. It sounds ridiculous. Like some spoiled kid who got everything he wanted, but when his Tv was taken away he wanted to kill himself. But it was nothing like that for him. In this world he would never be the image or the person people wanted him to be. He tried and tried and tired and tried. It was exhaust. Tiring. He didn’t know what he was doing wrong. He was only doing what felt natural. Crowds were busy. Lights buzzed. The world was so loud and he couldn’t filter or turn it off. Is mind was a wild traffic jam of noise ideas and thoughts. He got overwhelmed with it all and he was punished because he couldn’t tune it out. Only in those worlds the ones in the books or in his drawings or in the video games manage to allow him to zone out and go somewhere else. It allowed him to turn off a world that otherwise rejected him unless he was what they wanted him to be. The argument he always gets when he tries to explain this to people is, well you were a teenager, all teenagers go through rebellious phases. No. No. No. No. The world made him anxious. The world was crowded and loud. His mind busy. Unable to filter things around him. And unable to read people around him. He never understood what they meant by the things they said and he was supposed. When you go somewhere you shouldn’t feel so exhausted, shouldn’t feel so trapped, shouldn’t feel so bottled up he wanted to scream. He shouldn’t feel like he should be punished for being what felt natural to him. He just wanted a sanctuary a place that made him feel safe when the world felt unsafe. He was eighteen when he received his diagnosis of Autism with co morbid depression. His parents were worried because he wanted to kill himself and that was the only time they were ever concerned. He felt a bit of resentment that day. Towards them. A little bit of animosity and a little bit of betrayal. If only they had taken him sooner. He wouldn’t have felt so disconnected to everyone. If only they had considered his feelings back then. Then maybe he would have had a better chance. They never cared. They had always tried to make him into their version of what a normal person was and even after he was diagnosed they didn’t care. They forced him to be normal. Or what they wanted him to be normal. His father got him his first job at a McDonalds because he was good friends with the manager, while he was forced to go to college. Something he struggled with. Crowded. Loud. He experienced vertigo in these situations, but it was now son you have to start to think about being independent. He wouldn’t say he ever had a specific dramatic trigger event, or not one so easily defined. It was a culmination of events he thinks that finally drove a feeling at twenty that he could perhaps bring the things he drew to life. He lost that McDonalds job in three months. He got in trouble with that. Then his mother got him a job at the very library she worked at. He didn’t mind it, it was just mind numbing and boring. And so he lost that job too. Then he moved on to moving and packing, lost the job when they found he hadn’t learned to drive. Then he went to work a post office and he lost that job because it was mind numbing and boring. He felt like a servant. The working world was just servitude. Tied down to something you don’t want to do, but have to survive. It continue liked that till he was twenty-one and thrown out of the house because again his parents chased a dream of an independent child. He went from Carl’s Jr, to a grocery store as a stocker, he went from that to a gas station. Until he ended up with nowhere to go and not a lot of money. He ended up tracking down Victor. Who let him into his house no questions asked. Didn’t even reprimand him. Victor is the one who came up with the idea, why don’t you just sell your art. Commission work. So that’s what he has been doing for a while now. Honestly it feels a lot more like security than before.[/hider] [center][h2][color=blue]Parahumanism[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h1][color=lightblue]“Scribbling Reality”[/color][/h1][/center] Major Skills: Drawing - That one was an obvious one, but I never went to college or anything for it. I just draw. And I practice and get better doing so. Boxing - They don’t think I was watching when they use to go on father son days to box at the gym my father liked to go at. I am not good as Victor, but I remember the lessons. They just forgot that I would sit and draw on my sketchbook rather than actually participate. Or well I am certain our father did. My favorite part was I use to always get candy from the receptionist lady who thought I was well behaved. I just didn’t really know how to say I wanted to learn. But I have the pictures back then of all the drawings of the fighters I use to. It’s like a flip book and that was my manual. That and Victor and I use to play fight. It wasn’t as much teaching, but it taught enough. Internet Usage - Sounds lame, but when Victor and Arturo don’t know anything about the internet it makes me look like the expert. I know how to surf the web, mask purchases, use proxy servers, I even know how to use the Dark Web safely. But I don’t really have a credit card and hmmm….I wonder if I could...no nevermind. Still anything those two know of the internet is probably because I had to show them how to use it. It was really weird to be the one with the knowledge someone else doesn’t have. Minor Skills: Timing - I have uh exceptional timing in circumstances. I don’t remember to do things like take a pot off the stove, or that I should eat. But when it comes to gaming at least I have exceptional timing. And if you give me a good song that helps a good bunch too. Basic DIY - I am limited to stuff you can do at home, I had to look up some manuals for Sketch’s mask. I mean he had to look up some manuals for his mask. But I managed, it’s not very good sometimes the goggles don’t even work, but that’s because they were cheap toys meant for kids. Competitive Gaming - I think it counts. When you play games competitive you have to think of a strategy and how to win the game. I can think of a strategy and at least try to stay ahead of everybody else. If I win then that’s great. If I lose well then I need a better strategy. Classification: Master/Stranger Overview: [center]“If I told Victor I wonder what he say. I already know he worries about me more than he should. It’s because sometimes I am a complete and total waste of space. But I wonder if my secrets would make him worry more. Or cling more tightly on protecting me. It’s what I love about him. It’s what I worry the most is how he would react and what he would say.”[/center] Scribbling reality has three main functions. Jamie can bring anything he draws into reality, or he can bring anything that exist predrawn into reality. Think bringing Lugia into reality and than blasting people with a Psybeam. Or a really fast car from a magazine, no theft involved in that. Jamie can also manifest his feelings into drawings as well. Anyone who stares at a picture injected with a dose whatever feeling he has poured into it begins to experience hallucinations. These hallucinations can either drive someone to be angry, because Jamie poured angry emotions into the hallucinations. Or sad because Jamired poured sad emotions into the hallucinations. Often combined with his ability to bring drawings to reality it begins to blur the line of what is real and what is Jamie’s hallucinations. Jamie’s Hallucinations are semi permanent, someone with a strong willpower could easily break Jamie’s hallucinations, but someone with a weaker mind may not be able to release themselves from the hold. Even when these hallucinations fade and take their grip, individuals with weaker minds may be permanently affected by the damage done even with the hallucinations only lasting no more than 10 minutes. As well these images have semi permanency. As in they are permanent until they are destroyed, but even if they aren't destroyed the image can last up to 30 minutes because their capabilities are not always combative. And the time of their permanent state is limited by how many images he has going at a time, if there's 2 it significantly drops to a permanent state of 15. And 3 is about his limit and they only last 10 minutes. He communicates to them by giving them orders, he isn't quite connected to other people's drawings as much as he is connected to his own drawings. But their designs are often designed with a given task in mind, so its rare for him to give them much order. It's more like he draws it, designing a task in mind and it innately translates this message when it comes to reality. While a drawing he may have pulled from someone else he may need to directly give a few orders before it understands it directive. Limitations: Well Jamie requires pictures or drawings in order to actually bring a character to reality. There are other issues as well. Such as the time it takes him to draw, he’s no speed painter and a drawing does take time to draw, so he either needs to predraw beforehand, though that limits the strength of his hallucinations. Or needs someone to distract while he takes the time during that distraction to draw a powerful painting. It also seems that his own drawings created from himself are more powerful than the actual creations of someone else. True a Lugia psybeam could still devastate a block, but it still won’t be as powerful because he wasn’t the original creator of that design. His hallucinations don’t last forever either, some individuals they last up to five minutes, other people ten minutes, always depends on their mental state. Some people aren’t tricked at all and it doesn’t work on them. But it also can mess someone up as well, lasting five minutes under strong emotions have left some people’s minds to be completely broken. So he tries not to get carried away with what is driven in his pictures. His hallucinations are also sight based, so no one who looks at it, or is sight based would not be affected. Also any image that was a drawing and not a physical being only has the strength of a peak to supernatural being, but none of the physical defensive measures and be easily cut down like paper. Because that’s what they are. And right now Jamie is in an experimental phase. He doesn't quite know what he can and is capable of. So certain things are slight possibilities, like being able to erase his images before their permanency is up, but that's something that hasn't been discovered yet.[/hider]