[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/q6L3Sfa.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=e9b45d]Cydone[/color][/h3][/center] [color=e9b45d]"Ain't this a sodden day. If I keep having to retreat, there may not be much room left to run to."[/color] Cydone mused as the Spawns showed up. Whipping out a wire experimentally, the wire scored deep into the spawn before disintegrating from the force of impact. [color=e9b45d]"Can't kill 'em en mass."[/color] Swiping with his sword, he sent waveslash after waveslash into it, the tough bugger taking several in addition to its deep wound from the wire before falling. All the while, more and more poured from the darkness, scrambling forth. Using those safe ranged attacks just wouldn't be enough to cut them down before he was overrun. [color=e9b45d]"Mmm.. Guess we'll have to try something a little tougher."[/color] Cydone attached his wires to his blade, getting ready. [center]-[/center] [center] [h3][color=bc8dbf]Cassiopia[/color][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/fMyzaEp.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Cassiopia was quite happy the monster left, and that she didn't have to detonate her Kraken with her inside of it. She cheered to Jubilee [color=bc8dbf]"See, everything is going according to plan! I'm not dead, hence, the plan was successful. Oh, hey, is that what we're looking for?"[/color] Cassiopia went ahead and moved herself into the siphon, shaped herself, and then exploded the squid, sending her forth towards the golden light. As her momentum began to slow, she once again shapeshifted into a quick fishy, aiming to find the golden thingy, snatch it in her teeth, and then swim to somewhere safe and have a look at it. Rather reckless and all, but Cassiopia was excited to have avoided the fight and maybe done something good. [@KoL][@floodtalon]