Galahad pulled at the edges of his Inquisitor's Coat absentmindedly as the three Inquisitors made their way to the High City, straightening out minute creases that the human eye would normally just pass over. Though vain wouldn't be an incorrect description of Galahad, he didn't consider his pride of his appearance to be vanity rather than the personal responsibility he had to represent both his family and the Inquisitor's Order as the noble and respected positions they were. He listened seemingly absentmindedly as Tatiana asked him about his stay with his family, his eyes rapidly hardening into an irritated scowl before softening and returning to its relatively neutral state. Somehow, Tatiana, even more than Ragnar knew how to push his buttons. However, unlike the Aegis bearer, Galahad could never be irritated at the young summoner for any more than a passing moment. He resigned himself to a bemused sigh. "Affectionate is... not the way of my family." Galahad admitted, "This was a gift from my father. He is currently away on campaign." Conversation died out as they reached the High City- the sight they saw wasn't stunning, but it was a sharp surprise from yesterday's silence. The High City was filled with Varyan soldiers, more than Galahad had seen the entire day yesterday. The soldiers grasped at their weapons nervously, seemingly preparing themselves for a harrowing warfront, though to Galahad's knowledge, there was no war being fought in Lanostre. Not anymore. Seemingly, as an answer to his questions, the soldiers parted for a pair on horseback, one bore the black coat of an Inquisitor, the other bore the same coat, but covered it in blood and was collapsed and inert in the saddle. As she dismounted, he passed her companion off to a Secular Army medic. From a distance, her appearance was striking, a strong figure and hair gold, much like himself. Her eyes however, were completely different- one ice blue, the other blood red. Immediately upon seeing them, she ordered them to follow, and Galahad found that he had no choice but to comply. Powerful he and his companions were, but ultimately they were but novices in the grand scheme of things that was the Order. The house she led them into smelled faintly of drying blood and decay. The smell, though familiar, caused Galahad's nose to scrunch in disgust for a moment, before he forced it to settle. Like his companions, he remained standing, in the center of the room his posture was slightly relaxed and his arms crossed across his chest. He watched and listened in silence as Mother Elisheva treated her wounds and explained what had befell her. Galahad, like the others had studied the history of the Black Glacier extensively as a part of his studies- an understanding of the lands controlled by the Varyan Empire was integral to controlling it. As such, the tidings of the changing color of the Glacier's veins and the sudden appearance of new more powerful demons were ill tidings indeed. Galahad's hand subconsciously reached for the handle of his new saber, thumb tracing the revolver cylinder embedded into the sword's handle. As the senior Inquisitor asked for their aid, it seemed that Galahad would have an opportunity to test out his new weapon sooner than he had expected. He opened his mouth to confirm her request for aid and state that it would only be natural that they provide aid to their senior, but Astraea beat him to the punch. [i]"But she is not coming!"[/i] Galahad's expressionless face blinked once. Then twice. Despite his even face, it didn't take an empath to read Galahad's incredulousness. Time seemed to stand still as Galahad's eyes flitted to Tatiana. Galahad felt the young Inquisitor's ether flare, and took a step forward, ready to calm and subdue her should she let loose- though truth be told, Galahad had only ever faced her demon once, for a practice fight: an ill conceived plan through and through. The somewhat stuttery vitriol surprised Galahad, despite knowing her well Tatiana's displays of anger were rare enough that they still surprised him. “Four is plenty… Four will succeed.” Tatiana continued, her voice calmer now as she exited the home, “But one is enough…” "Tatiana!" Galahad managed to blurt out, his voice momentarily losing its usual even tone before the door closed shut. There was a moment of stunned silence. Galahad shot a glance at Mother Elisheva, who was still seated, finishing up the treatment of her wounds. His eyes shifted to Astraea, his cold green eyes somehow even colder as they gave the woman a hard stare. Despite his calm appearance, Astraea could sense the faintest hints of anger rolling around deep inside of him. With a sigh, Galahad turned to Mother Elisheva and brought his fist to his chest, dipping forward slightly in a bow. "Of course Mother Elisheva, we shall join you." he said formally, voicing his agreement to her requests. He glanced at the closed door that Tatiana had disappeared behind. "Each of us in our own way." He too made his way to the door, the Inquisitor's heavy boots stomping against the dry wood of the house. In the silence, the echoing steps seemed almost louder than they should be. As he reached the door, Galahad stopped right in front of Astraea. Their chests almost touched, and he brought his face close to hers, his lips grazing her cheek, breath warming her face. His voice was soft, audible to only Astraea. "We're supposed to be a team." Galahad said plainly, his voice calm but possessing a hard edge, "Not bickering schoolchildren." "I suggest you remember that." he said with a tone of finality, as he pulled away and exited the home. [hr] Closing the door behind him, Galahad immediately began scanning or Tatiana- it couldn't have been that difficult. She was a small thing, but her coat was easily recognizable amongst the sea of uniforms that were the Varyan SA in the High City. Sure enough he found her ahead, he moved to catch up with her- not breaking into a run, as it would look undignified and unfitting of his status. Instead, he relied on a brisk walk, his long strides easily crossing the distance of Tatiana's smaller ones. "Tatiana, slow down!" he commanded, his voice possessing authority but also the chiding tone one would expect from an older sibling. He clasped his hand on her shoulder as he sought to slow her forward momentum, eventually relenting and instead satisfying himself by merely keeping pace with her. "What has gotten into you?" He asked her- half rhetorically. "The situation has changed beyond our current understanding. You can't expect me to let you go off to the Black Glacier on your own- and before you say it, no the Demon does [i]not[/i] count." Galahad shot look at the home before looking back to Tatiana. He was well aware of the animosity and inherent mistrust between the two. He didn't doubt Astraea's resolve to leave Tatiana behind despite her abilities and his objections. Astraea was a Rheon, and her hatred of demons was extremely deep seated. Likewise, Tatiana while generally sweet and agreeable was also fairly strong willed and seemed surprisingly set on heading off into the Glacier despite Galahad's chiding. "Besides." Galahad said, finally relenting to his younger friend, taking her by the hand. Gently enough that she knew he was there for her, but strong enough that she couldn't pull away particularly easily. "The stables are that way. Unless you intend on walking all the way to the Black Glacier. Come along." Letting Tatiana go off on her own was tactically unsound regardless of Astraea's feelings towards her. Especially considering that Father Killian- a veteran and likely very talented Inquisitor- came back rather grievous wounds, the idea of letting any of their number wander off into the Black Glacier alone was unacceptable. If Astraea had misgivings, she'd have to deal with it. Besides, Ragnar would never forgive him if he allowed Tatiana to come to harm.