[quote=@Cerces22] Sure I will edit my post to reflect a color change, and in my bio you can see Liz was a solitary person before coming out, the bullying would of made her more reclusive, never speaking out about it. Besides as an upper class man I figured you might not have heard about it. [/quote] Ah, okay, okay. That sounds reasonable. I think I'll have it so Rin's maybe heard whisper of her, by virtue of the fact Zurest is small town, so there was probably talk of it when she came out. [quote=@Cerces22] Take your time I am at work, and now that I am in an actually active RP, I will check my phone for posts about every couple hours. I am on the east coast so you have an idea what time schedule I am working with aha. iDK where you are lol [/quote] Thanks, I will. Hope you have a good day at work! It's good to hear that we're all on the same page time wise then, but let's just say I'm in your timezone, and leave it at that :P Gotta stay [i]~mysterious~[/i] and all that jazz :lol