[i]Reia woke to the sound of her alarm. She rubbed her face slightly and looked around the room. She still wore the same outfit from the day before, and her body was extremely sore. Her head was pounding, probably from all the crying she had done. She was also extremely famished. She looked at the clock which stood on the nightstand, and she figured she would only have enough time to pack her things and get to the train station. She would receive her pay straight into her account from the guilds, and wouldn't have to worry about that. Slowly, Reia got up out of bed, brushing her clothing out and straightening her hair. She brushed her teeth and packed up her things into her bag. Once she packed everything, she make a mental list of anything she may have forgotten, and went around and checked each part of the room. Finding nothing left, she made her way downstairs to the main foyer. The peppy woman she had met the night before wasn't there, and so Reia silently returned the room key and headed outside. Once on the train and in her assigned room, she grabbed a clean [url=https://www.justfashionnow.com/image_cache/resize/450x600/image/catalog/20170505-She/MDLAM049-8.jpg]outfit[/url] and went to shower, ordering some room service while she did so. Once she was clean, dry, and dressed, her room service arrived and she ate quietly. Her body was still aching, but felt a little better after having been under the hot water of the shower head. She wondered what was going on back home, and decided to text Welkins that she would be home in a few hours. It was still very early in the morning, and by the time she would arrive she figured he'd be doing something. For the rest of the ride home, she slept. She still was tired, and knew she would have to get right back to her studies once she arrived. Finally the train came to a halt at the station, and Reia got off with her bag. The walk to her house was a bit, but she figured the fresh air might do her some good. She only wanted to go home first before heading to the Guild, so she could drop her bag off and look over the house. Quickly and without any interruptions, she made her way home and dropped her bag off. Everything seemed to be in place, and a while later, she arrived at the Guild. She pushed the doors open and was immediately greeted by a man who seemed to be ushering people toward a lecture theater. She followed his instructions, heading into the big room quietly. Her eyes grazed the crowd, and she spotted Welkins and Isara next to him. A pang of jealousy washed over Reia, and she frowned, immediately pushing the feeling away. She found a spot at the back of the room and sat down. She saw Kalona at the front of the room, and there was a tension in the air that you could cut with a knife. Something bad must have happened.[/i]