[quote=@Doc Doctor] [i]A tall black dude trotted over, waving a hand and grinning like a dumbass, inserting himself into their conversation with the deft surgical precision of a chimpanzee smashing a rock with another rock.[/i] "OOh! OOh! Me too bwana! I come, I come! I be makin' sure ya ain' troubled by nobuddies udder dan me, keep dem nasty bad bwoys away." [/quote] Lorne watched with confusion as this weird man suddenly trotted over and made himself at home in their conversation. He stared a moment in shock and confusion before regaining his composure. [color=mediumpurple]"Oh... hello, interesting accent there, can't say I've ever heard it before..."[/color] Lorne looked the strange man over and couldn't find anything on the man's person with his eyes that looked to be worth stealing, even the pair of axes the man wielded seemed simple of construction. [color=mediumpurple]"...Well, I can't exactly say I'm going to find someone with half the confidence you have,"[/color] he stated, looking down at the man's unarmored midriff meaningfully. [color=mediumpurple]"Alright then, if it's okay with Rose, I'd be more than willing to travel alongside you! To adventure!"[/color] Lorne drew a cup full of wine seemingly out of nowhere, though notably one of the patrons at the bar seemed quite confused with his sudden lack of drink.