I made one anyway, accept it or not~! [hider=Lucas Myers][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171207/f034c6e7a21563f1535041f2728455b3.png[/img][hr] [img]http://media0.giphy.com/media/jzv5RLeGNHamc/giphy.gif[/img] [h3][b][color=gray]{[/color][/b] [sub][i][color=3C9E64]"Nobody looks back in life and remembers the night they got plenty of sleep."[/color][/i][/sub] [b][color=gray]}[/color][/b][/h3][/center][hr] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{N A M E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Lucas Alexander Myers[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{N I C K N A M E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Commonly referred to as Luke[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{B I R T H D A Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]April, 24th[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{A G E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]24[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{G E N D E R}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{S E X U A L I T Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Single and readily mingling[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{O C C U P A T I O N}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Student & Bartender[/indent][hr][center][img]https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/aDn9S_ed3PUgYIzzu2xnqBMVQFs/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2014/06/09/927/n/1922283/62d7d32fe56d4ba4_tumblr_msd89n7IL41r5mhuio1_500/i/THOSE-LIPS-JUST-STOP.gif[/img][/center][hr] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{A P P E A R A N C E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]A tanned, brunette with big brown eyes and a cheeky smile make for a perfect member to a popular fraternity. Blessed with a body that doesn’t require strenuous exercising to maintain a toned, masculine figure, he styles his body with nice, trendy clothes to accommodate for his preppy style. Although his face holds a youthful, clear complexion that is free of acne, small scars can be seen from past fist fights with high school rivals and angry, drunken fights. Lucas is a guy that shows expression and can't hide whatever mood he's in, leading to his failing attempts at any lies he would try to say. With dimples that sit below his prominent cheekbones and beside his soft lips, he easily creates a nerdy-cute persona. Lucas keeps his hair well-groomed and nicely styled nearly all the time, feeling awkward if he goes into public with unkempt hair. Lucas has a masculine, yet boyish, charm to him, finding it easy to woo the girls, save for the struggle he has for the ladies that are taller and/or bigger in size. Though standing at 5’7” has it’s perks, whether it be fitting into the high school crowd at local parties, or not standing out when running from cops at a busted party. As an avid party-goer, Lucas also sometimes bears dark circles from the lack of sleep he gets.[/indent][hr] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{Q U I R K S // H A B I T S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][list][*] Shaking his knee from restlessness [*] Fidgeting with his hands due to social anxiety during interactions with new people [*] Cracking his knuckles before telling a story [*] Talking with his hands [*] Constantly touching someone or getting too close during conversations [*] Letting out loud noises while stretching or when flustered [*] Singing songs loudly that are stuck in his head [/list][/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{H O B B I E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][list][*] Playing piano [*] Going out to parties with his fraternity [*] Crashing local high school parties [*] Meeting new people [*] Seducing people [*] Singing and playing guitar [*] Romance movies[/list][/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{L I K E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][list][*] The attention from others [*] Proving people wrong, especially those that doubt his abilities [*] Being the top of his class [*] Being a smart ass [*] Getting what he wants [*] Being honored for his hard work [*] Big parties [*] Jazz music [*] Driving in the fast lane [*] Being all that and a bag of chips[/list][/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{D I S L I K E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][list][*] Snobby people [*] Being turned down [*] Being doubted [*] Insects [*] Being stood up [*] Fake people [*] People that don’t keep to their word [*] People that belittle him [*] Being hungover [*] Slow drivers[/list][/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{F E A R S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent][list][*] The ocean [*] Being alone in life [*] Losing his friends and family [*] Being the cause of a future patient’s death[/list][/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{S E C R E T S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Being an avid party-goer, especially ones that provide alcohol to minors, you’d think his secrets would revolve around being a kid that has a history with cops. Despite this stereotype that many assume for him, his darkest secrets revolve around his well-being and his identity. Although Luke has grown to accept his sexuality and his slutty alter-ego, he is very secretive of certain bits of his sex life involving older individuals that pay for sex. While it is commonly referred to as prostitution, Luke doesn’t like to call it that. To add to this secret, Luke also is adopted by his aunt and uncle.[/indent][hr] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{P E R S O N A L I T Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [center][h3][u]♦ [color=80C48D]Intelligent[/color] ♦ [color=80C48D]Gullible[/color] ♦ [color=80C48D]Determined[/color] ♦ [color=80C48D]Competitive[/color] ♦[/u][/h3][/center] [indent]Luke grew up with a brain that easily retains information, especially with subjects that he has interest in. Thus, Luke excelled in school and maintained high scores while going out to party with friends nearly every night. Being the guy to cheat from in school and the guy to down shots with, he was pretty likable by most. Although, Luke’s kind nature and befriending personality makes him gullible and naive to those that intend to use him, often leading to him with a depressed mood when times get rough between his relationship with friends. Although, that mood is very short-lived from him being outgoing and optimistic in nature. Luke enjoys helping people and making others happy, mixing this enjoyment with his talent for music and knowledge. Being a star-student, he attended undergraduate school and moved on into medical school whilst partying with friends along the way. Luke has a competitive nature and seeks to be at the top, especially in fields where he is known to excel in. Due to this trait, he finds himself being a dare devil a lot of the times from trying to prove others wrong when they doubt him.[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{P L A C E O F O R I G I N}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Dublin, Ireland[/indent] [color=3C9E64]|[u] [b]{H I S T O R Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]How does a man such as Lucas Myers generate such a ditsy, optimistic personality? Luke was an accident, his parents never really wanting to have children until they had their traveling fix in life, but they eventually had begun to see Luke as a blessing. Growing up, his real parents were travelers, wanderers, perhaps referred to as gypsies, creating Luke’s carefree spirit and boasting demeanor. To add to their many different titles, they were born musicians and busked for a living, save from the occasional gig that they would book to buy a nice dinner for the night. This lifestyle was enjoyable, although minimalistic. They didn’t have a lot and they survived in a driving trailer that they stationed from city to city within Ireland. Luke picked up all sorts of musical talents from an early age from being surrounded by a lifestyle that invited all forms of artistic nature. Living was easy, especially when all you know is what you have. It wasn’t long before Luke should begin school, but the wanderer spirits of his parents had trouble staying in one place to ensure a consistent education for Luke. Learning became stressful for Luke, especially since he really enjoyed everything about school. For several years, he would live attending different schools until summertime would hit, and they would be all over the country again. Upon reaching the age of ten years old, his close aunt Jane came into the picture. His aunt and his mother were very different, but showed many similarities in terms of their appearance. His mother being a traveling musician really contrasted his aunt’s professional, business-like aunt. After many discussions, they finally came to an agreement in that Luke would travel to the United States to ensure a successful education so he can truly flourish and let his natural intelligence shine. Upon living within the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts, Luke was surrounded by very preppy, rich people and other like-minded individuals. These new surroundings invited in a life full of new beginnings and teachings of a better, more modern way of living. Luke shined in school, and he even made it to be one of the popular kids from his bubbly personality. Although rebellious, he loved his aunt and uncle as if they were his own parents, but he always felt guilty for leading a different life than what his parents imagined for him. Being a gifted kid, it’s hard to choose between lifestyles when you’re trying to please everybody. Luke contacted his parents as much as he could, but from the opposing schedules and the time difference, it was hard to keep in touch, but the love was felt from afar. Finding success in his new lifestyle, he pursued undergraduate school in Boston and began to learn how to live a life for self-enjoyment. As the reigns of his guardians loosened, he began to find new aspirations of traveling and learning. Upon graduating from Boston University, he traveled to New York City to live the city-life and pursue his talents. He attends medical school and works as a bartender at Birdland - a jazz club. Although he prefers to be playing piano and jazzing up the restaurant with his own tunes, he is most needed behind the bar from a short staff of bartenders and an overflow of aspiring jazz performers.[/indent][hr][/hider]