[quote=@POOHEAD189] [hider=Christian Theology] You're not entirely wrong. I never said you need to earn your way to heaven. That's why I clarified with phrases such as '[i]Of course, since we are human, all of that is pretty much impossible. But to attempt to live in the faith, as much as you can, is something God wishes.[/i]' True belief merits action. One who does believe will acts accordingly. and the most important one Now, theologically, it is true to say that no amount of good works can 'buy' someone into heaven. Because Heaven is a perfect paradise and no man is perfect, therefore no one is ever worthy. However, to [b]not[/b] attempt to live a live of giving and kindness is also blasphemous. To put it simply: If you love Jesus, you'll care about following him. If you care about following him, you'll do christ-like things. If you do christ-like things, you'd be a follower. Someone cannot say 'I love God and am a believer' and then regularly cheat on his wife, for instance. Also always take Romans with a grain of salt. Not to say it is false, per say. However, Paul is not Jesus. Romans and the like is secondary compared to books like Luke. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Norse Paganism] Didn't Audumbla the Cow lick the first Aesir out of ice and not salt? I don't recall reading a translation that claimed it was salt, or salt water. [/hider] [/quote] Boys boys, both of your imaginary friends are pretty. [quote=@POOHEAD189] John 15'14 (lol): You are my friends if you obey me. [/quote] If someone said that to you in real life you would back the hell away without making eye contact.