>Maxwell Kilimal >Max stands at 5'6 with shoulder length brunette hair. He has a thin build and slightly pointed ears, due to his riven mother. He can wield his piercing, forest green eyes with any of his emotions, making him easy to read if one know what to look for. He wears a normal elven tunic and pants with soft leather boots. On top of that, he has his cloak of useful items. He has 2 exotic longswords, a katana and a scimitar, each sheathed on a hip. In a pair of specially made bandoleers, he carries a dozen steel throwing daggers. His thirteenth dagger, being made of silver, rests in a sheath on his left wrist. Under his robe, he also has a belt with a collection of belt pouches with a variety of ingredients for his spells. On his back, he also wears a pack filled with necessary items, such as food and extra clothes. Strapped to the outside of his pack are a pair of enchanted longswords and a pair of shortswords. >Max is proficient with all types of blades and bladed weapons, though is by no means a master of any of them. He also has a list of spells he can utilize as necessary. He is also has a few roguish skills, such as picking locks and being able to climb most walls that few others can. >Max was born the illegitimate third of 4 children to a baron from a nearby human castle. With his mother being an elf, she thought it best to raise him as a normal elf. Max grew up in the forest with his elven mother and her clan. Being raised as an elf, Max didn't know any more than any other elf in the clan about humans. So, he decided to go try his hand at magic. It took him all of 3 years to master the basics, along with a gained proficiency with hunting and sword fighting. From there, he went to a school for aspiring mages. After a few more years, he and a few of his classmates went on a trip with one of their teachers. Upon being attacked, the teacher teleported the group to a safe place. Apparently, though, it wasn't fat enough. When Max emerged from behind a rock that he had miraculously appeared behind, he saw the burnt bodies of his friends and teacher. He looted what he could before beginning to wander. After a couple weeks, he found another group to travel with for a while. He went on a handful of adventures with them until separating upon returning home. He stayed for a few months, helping his mother with his new siblings. He then had to leave again to search for more adventures and treasures to send home.