[hider=Taelan Wilheim] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmZkZTY1OC5WR0ZsYkdGdUlGZHBiR2hsYVcwLC4wAAAA/draconian.draconian.png[/img] [img]http://tamgdeya.ru/photos/norm/1/1_eb4jgY3Z.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=fff200]Genre[/color][/b]: [Medieval/Fantasy] [color=fff200][b]Name[/b][/color]: Taelan Wilheim (Paladin) [color=fff200][b]Age[/b][/color]: 31 [color=fff200][b]Gender[/b][/color]: Male [color=fff200][b]Sexuality[/b][/color]: Demisexual [color=fff200][b]Species/Race[/b][/color]: Human – Paladin with mid-level holy abilities [color=fff200][color=fff200]Eye colour[/color][/color]: Cobalt blue [color=fff200][b]Hair colour[/b][/color]: Dark bluish-black [b][color=fff200]Height[/color][/b]: 190cm [color=fff200][b]Weight[/b][/color]: 89kg [color=fff200][b]Description/Clothing/Appearance[/b][/color]: Of Northern descent, he stands out due to his dark bluish-black hair, cobalt blue eyes and pale skin. He is rather solidly built, especially around his broad shoulders, chest and back due to his speciality as an archer. His hair is spiky and reaches past the nape of his neck, with fringe swept to the sides. His combat outfit consists of a helmet with a transverse crest, which is dulled silver with dyed black plume. The armour included greaves and forearm guards, which has engraved markings of stars, and a dulled silver cuirass chest plate with incorporating scaled armour, shoulder guards and protective hanging strips for the upper arms. A black, or sometimes blue, tunic is worn under the armour. A black cloak with silver lining tied at the front using a brooch depicting him as the second-in-command of his squad. His casual outfit is a loose blue tunic and black breaches, with a woolen dark blue cloak during colder seasons. Taelan rarely wears his helmet unless it is a formal occasion as he hates the feeling of constriction he gets whenever the helmet is on his head. [b][color=fff200]Personality[/color][/b]: With his heavy use of sarcasm and mocking politeness, he makes it very difficult to discern his thoughts. Many find his demeanour and appearance rather unsettling and there are very few who were willing to trust him even after he has provided them assistance freely. Taelan is fully aware of the effect he has on others and more than once has toyed with people's emotional states for his own amusement (usually to poke fun at his juniors). Beneath the unmotivated and seemingly dead-to-the-world look, he is rather perceptive when he wants to be. His observational skills are mostly used to pick up adversaries' weaknesses and fear to use against them. [b][color=fff200]History[/color][/b]: The middle son to a distinguished paladin father and a priest-healer mother, Taelan and his older brother were groomed to be paladins from a young age, while his four-years younger sister took after their mother as a healer, having being born with an astounding affinity for holy spells. His three-years older brother took after his father, both in well-built physique, height and natural talent for swordsmanship. On the other hand, Taelan was the most disappointing of his siblings. Born with mediocre ability to perform holy spells, curse-worthy laxness towards studies and training, possessing a more slender physique than his brother and having only an above average talent for the sword, his father sent him off to the military boot-cap when he was eight. Taelan quickly found his calling in archery after wandering into an archery range and seeing the mesmerising way the archers nocked, aimed and released their arrows in quick succession and astounding precision. His skills in marksmanship was greater than his other talents by far, and many an accomplished archer took him under their wings, refining his techniques and building his skills, not giving up even when they found out about his tendency to laze around instead of training, because he more than made up for it whenever he set his sights on learning all he could from them. In the five years away from home, he also managed to learn and perfect three incredibly useful holy spells, which had saved his life – and dare he say it – that of his brothers-in-arms on more than one occasion. When he turned thirteen, he was allowed one visit home which he eagerly accepted as the letters his brother wrote during his time away lessened steadily until they eventually stopped altogether. He arrived back, only to find a burnt patch of land, scorched ruins and no family member in sight. He soon learned of the fate that befell the small village. Twin sirens hypnotised the males into drowning their spouse, children, neighbours and even each other in the nearby river. Those that survived were ordered to burn the village to the ground. Halfway through burning his house down, Taelan’s brother managed to free himself from the hypnosis and killed one siren before the other killed him. When one siren died, the men under her compulsion were freed and the patrolling paladins arrived, putting a swift end to her. Taelan essentially became the last of his family. At sixteen with several battles under his belt and still holding a grudge against Night Creatures, Taelan was a member of a twenty-man squad under the Order of the Holy Sceptre. They were hunting a group made up of various Night Creatures who had managed to evade numerous patrols and raided several villages in their path. Along the trail, they came across a destroyed village with but one survivor, a young boy desperately clutching the mutilated corpses of his parents amongst the carnage. The squad took the group of Creatures off-guard, bringing justice swiftly to the foul beings. Their captain decided to bring the boy along, feeding, clothing and dubbing him ‘The Compassionate’ due to his inherent kindness. The boy, Amon, was taken in and trained as a paladin. Taelan kept an eye on the talented boy, often interacting and training with him as he grew older. When Taelan was 21 and Amon 15, the older paladin had already achieved the rank of Captain under the company’s Knight Commander. Due to his lax nature, the Grand Masters refuse to have Taelan promoted to Knight Commander, citing his inability to lead his men through all kinds of situations, as he was only capable of giving orders when the situation turns dire. Thus, he was placed as second-in-command in the Knight Commander’s company. When Amon volunteered himself for the experiment, Taelan was torn between worry for his health and pride for his dedication towards the Church. Now at the age of 30, he has plans to have Amon as his Lieutenant. [color=fff200][b]Habits[/b][/color]: In his free time or when not on a mission, he is often caught lazing around in bed, outside on the field or in various nooks and crannies around the Church’s headquarters. However, that does not mean he is unskilled in his chosen crafts. [b][color=fff200]Strengths[/color][/b]: A master marksman with a longbow, Taelan is deadly at long-ranged combat. He hits hard and fast and although less skilled in the area of swordsmanship, his ability to press the enemy with numerous and unpredictable strikes make up for his lack in skill. When he is focussed, he loses his playful and lazy nature, allowing his mind to analyse situations and opponents quickly and accurately. [b][color=fff200]Weaknesses[/color][/b]: Although he can be stealthy if the situation calls for it, he is not as mobile as the more slender of his men, which usually meant his inability to cross difficult terrains on foot easily. His lax nature does not make him a good leader in situations he does not feel sufficiently motivated in, which makes his superiors hesitate to trust him in leading an expeditions. Due to the difficulty in reeling his temper up, he is often underestimated, which in turn makes him underestimate any opponents he is not familiar with or any beings he does not deem dangerous. [b][color=fff200]Equipment[/color][/b]: A 1.5m yew longbow with a draw weight of up to 185 pound-force and several quiverful of 90cm steel-tipped arrows (one on his back and spares in his saddlebag). Dual curved daggers that have been forged to twice the toughness of an ordinary blade. [color=fff200][b]Special abilities[/b][/color]: [color=fff200]Purification[/color]: A spell that allows him to imbue his arrows with light and utterly destroy dark creatures if it strikes the heart in one hit. If not, it burns the area where the arrow hit and its surroundings at a 15cm radius. [color=fff200]Circle of light[/color]: A wall of light encircles his surroundings at a 50m radius and lasts for five minutes as he cannot hold it for longer. [color=fff200]Ward of the Divine[/color]: A single direction barrier that springs up before him and sends lesser beings running in fear. [b][color=fff200]Fears[/color][/b]: Becoming a Night Creature. Dying a painful and slow death. Being the cause of his close friends’ death. [color=fff200][b]Goals[/b][/color]: Taelan does not exactly have a goal in life other than serving the Church as a paladin as best he can until his death through completing missions and killing Night Creatures. He believes the Church and Pope is right in its ideas of cleansing the land of foul creatures and freeing them from their dreary existence. [/hider] [hider=Amon "Hunter" Noire] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmRiMDcwMC5RVzF2YmlBaVNIVnVkR1Z5SWlCT2IybHlaUSwsLjAA/sad-kropotkin-laugh.regular.png[/img] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5741/3ee717c2f1059910a72ae7da716055f1ed35f437_hq.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24]"Taking sides is a pain. Staying in No-Man's-Land is much more preferable."[/color] [/center] [color=ed1c24][b]Genre[/b][/color]: [Urban Fantasy/Supernatural] [color=ed1c24][b][u]General[/u][/b][/color] [b][color=ed1c24]Name[/color][/b]: Amon "Hunter" Noire [b][color=ed1c24]Age[/color][/b]: 30-35 [b][color=ed1c24]Gender[/color][/b]: Male [b][color=ed1c24]Race[/color][/b]: Half human, half were-tiger [b][color=ed1c24]Sexuality[/color][/b]: Bisexual [b][u][color=ed1c24]Appearance[/color][/u][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]Height[/color][/b]: 190cm [b][color=ed1c24]Weight[/color][/b]: 89kg [b][color=ed1c24]Eyes[/color][/b]: Dark emerald and heavy-lidded, giving him a rather intense stare especially when he makes an effort to intimidate [b][color=ed1c24]Hair[/color][/b]: Black, thick and spiky, his hair reaches just past the nape of his neck and his right eye is usually concealed behind a thick clump of fringe [b][color=ed1c24]Body Modifications[/color][/b]: No piercings, but has the number thirteen in Roman Numerals tattooed in black ink on the right side of his neck with the bottom at his collarbone and the top of the tattoo halfway up his neck. [b][color=ed1c24]Distinguishing Marks[/color][/b]: N/A (just the tattoo, the top can be seen even if he wears a fully-buttoned collared shirt [b][color=ed1c24]Extra equipment[/color][/b]: A .44 magnum tucked in a belt holster at his waist that is constantly on his person Other Form: Since he is only half were-tiger, he cannot change into a full animal. [color=ed1c24][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/color] [b][color=ed1c24]Racial Abilities[/color][/b]: The only thing that sets him apart from normal humans is his retractable claws and ability to see better in the dark. [b][color=ed1c24]Magcal Ability[/color][/b]: N/A [b][color=ed1c24]Strengths[/color][/b]: 1) EnhanceClaustrophobicity and stealthiness due to feline heritage 2) Ability to see in the dark unlike the humans he works with 3) Since he is half-human, he wouldn't go crazy over catnip, shiny objects, bright lights, etc [b][color=ed1c24]Weaknesses[/color][/b]: 1) Easily startled by sudden loud noises 2) He has an irrational fear of large bodies of water (again, most likely due to his feline genes) 3) Clautrophobic (this is more his personal experience and might not actually apply to half-weres as a whole) [b][u][color=ed1c24]Personal[/color][/u][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]Personality[/color][/b]: Amon is mild-mannered and a hard person to offend, waving off insults and jokes in an equally offhanded manner, as long as it is directed at him only, of course. Quick to banter with people he has been acquainted with before or anyone he is comfortable around, he is the sort of man that is easy to befriend, work alongside and open up to as long as he is not being his typical lazy self, which usually rubs some people the wrong way. He works best when sufficiently motivated and/or under pressure. If not, he is pretty lax and uninitiative until a superior gives him a command. However, he is serious when he has an objective to work towards and will do whatever it takes to complete it. Amon believes that the law is right, and rules are placed there for a reason. He hates it when people try to find a way around it, twisting it so they will come off as innocent when they are clearly not. As someone working for a law enforcement organisation that acts as peacekeepers between supernatural and humans, he will not hesitate to use his authority to do what he thinks is right. This attitude has made him an enemy in the eyes of some extremists supernatural beings and humans, making him rather paranoid at times. [color=ed1c24][b]History[/b][/color]: (can be tweaked) When the existence of supernatural beings was made public sixteen years ago, Amon was nineteen, a recent graduate of high school and starting his first year in the Police Academy. He is the only child in the family, born to an ordinary police officer who now works as a mall's security guard and a chauffeur mother. For the first nineteen years of his life, his family was as normal as they could be. They were mostly absent from home, coming back in the evenings to either a cooked or bought dinner and catching up with each other then, before Amon would excuse himself, finish whatever work he had to do and head to bed. Life was repetitive, bland and mundane as can be, occasionally broken by rare days off or overseas holidays. Amon grew up listening to the stories his father used to tell about his days in the law enforcement, the gory and simply inhumane things some people were capable of. From a young age, he dreamt to be like his father, working in the police force, keeping innocents safe and doing the righteous thing. When he was seven, he discovered his unique 'abilities' when a friend pulled a prank on him and trapped him in a school's storeroom. Despite the utter darkness, he could see as though it was merely evening. He went to school, read books and from listening to conversations all around, he knew it wasn't normal to be able to see in the dark. But that was not what scared him. Claws, sharp, shiny, long and protruding from beneath his fingernails made him scream in utter terror. The hollers drew his teacher, who took one look at his unnatural hands and merely sighed, shifting into a large wolf for a second before shifting back. Amon calmed down and as his shock receded, the claws retracted. That became the little secret between Amon and his teacher, who disappeared a year later and her body found abandoned along the highway. He kept quiet about this, living as though he was a normal human student. That was, until a month after his nineteenth birthday and the existence of supernatural beings exposed. Everything began to make sense, which meant either both his parents were supernaturals, or one of them was. It turned out his mother was a were-tigress, making him a half-were. This revelation did not sit well with his father, who proceeded to ignore his mother's existence and even began throwing judgemental looks and snide remarks at Amon. For half a year he ignored the sudden change in their household, attempting to mend the rift between his parents and himself. However, every attempt was shot down rather spectacularly by either of them. He gave up, losing himself in the Police Academy instead. The previously warm house became cold, and Amon began to see the world in a new light. He could see the tensions between humans and supernatural beings, personally bore witness to several violent and bloody clashes between the two extremists factions and was dragged into the conflict more than once. It was these conflicts that prompted him to enlist into the 'Supernatural Division' of the Police force, made up of members who are pacifist supernatural beings and humans who strived to keep innocents out of clashes. In this Division, he was able to slowly come to terms with being neutral despite his mixed blood. He was twenty-four when he made his first arrest whilst breaking up another riot started by humans over a gutted victim. That was also the year he moved away from home and got a tattoo of the Division number (XIII) on his neck. Now at the age of thirty-five, he remains single, more scarred, paranoid and cynical then he was before, although he never lost his lax nature. An Inspector in the Division, he heads a relatively small team of twenty officers, and often work together with the friends he made over the decade as a peacekeeper. [/hider] [hider=Rayden Hale] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwYTgxYi5VbUY1WkdWdUlFaGhiR1UsLjAA/part-two.regular.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/cb/e4/82/cbe48208731e9c0ace729d23bb2b33d8.jpg[/img] [color=39b54a]"Being underestimated is an advantage for someone in my line of work."[/color] [/center] Rayden Hale, codename "Ghost" (Agent) [color=39b54a][b]Genre[/b][/color]: [Urban Fantasy/Supernatural/Modern] [color=39b54a][u][b]General[/b][/u][/color] [color=39b54a][b]Name[/b][/color]: Rayden Hale [color=39b54a][b]Age[/b][/color]: 26-40 [color=39b54a][b]Gender[/b][/color]: Male [color=39b54a][b]Race[/b][/color]: Human or mutant (depends on genre) [color=39b54a][b]Sexuality[/b][/color]: Demisexual [color=39b54a][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color] [color=39b54a][b]Height[/b][/color]: 182.3cm [color=39b54a][b]Weight[/b][/color]: 80.9kg [color=39b54a][b]Eyes[/b][/color]: Dark cobalt blue and slightly narrowed, allowing him to maintain a bland look unless he consciously shifts expression. [color=39b54a][b]Hair[/b][/color]: Coffee brown [color=39b54a][b]Body Modifications[/b][/color]: No piercings, but has a Ranger tatoo on his arm [color=39b54a][b]Distinguishing Marks[/b][/color]: N/A (just the tattoo) [color=39b54a][b]Extra equipment[/b][/color]: A Glock tucked in a shoulder holster that is constantly on his person [color=39b54a][b]Abilities[/b][/color]: 1) Improvised Weaponry 2) Hand-to-hand combat expert 3) Infiltration and espionage expert 4) Linguist [color=39b54a][u][b]Personal[/b][/u][/color] [color=39b54a][b]Personality[/b][/color]: Agent Hale has many different aspects to his personality. He is often serious, maintaining a bland expression which can turn threatening when a situation calls for it. As an infiltration specialist, he tries to be bland and unassuming, with his plain two-piece suit and tie and mild-mannered speech. He is also practical, calmly facing hard truths and situations without descending into hysteria. For the greater good of the organization he works for and the world in general, he will do his part without hesitation. This, of course, makes him seem ruthless and extremely devoted to his job to those who don't know him. His one redeeming characteristic is ensuring as many agents come home from an operation alive as possible. Opinions about him are varied: those who are outright disdainful of his callous approach to anyone he deems as enemies, those who admire him for his efficiency and care for his assets, those who fear him by repute or experience and those who see a non-threatening paper-pusher - in other words, just another government suit. Hale also has a humorous side, often displayed in the form of dry or sarcastic comments, especially when hanging around the few people he fully trusts - civilian or otherwise. He can be carefree when off-duty, such as when bonding with the members of his team following a successful mission and such like. He is also caring, treating his team as family, and protecting them at all costs. While sometimes he presents bad news gently, he knows when it is necessary to present it bluntly. [color=39b54a][b]History[/b][/color]: (can be tweaked) TBA [/hider]