[@Aristocles] The two spell casters were chanting a bit softer now, A few moments later they had stopped chanting nodding their heads at each other. "It is done my queen, I will take him to a bed for recovery" Balru said taking Smith in his arms and heading out of the room. "While you do that I will attend to our goblin problem" Leonore spoke with Balru nodding his head. "Please follow me to the prince's quarters, I will do my best to answer any question you may have" Balru said two dracon Balru was not a bit weary of dracon, The reason being many years ago their was a terrible event involving the draconian people. However he was going to trust these ones for the shake or the prince, Although he was wary of humans as well he didn't trust many of the races here because he works for the betterment of his people.