[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ijNj7u3.png[/img] [b]Interactions:[/b] Midori Hamasaki ([@SilverDawn]), Hisano Okabe ([@Etranger])[/center][hr] [color=ed1c24]"My... my name?"[/color] Noah asked, feeling like he needed conformation that [i]that[/i] was what the green-haired girl wanted to know, [color=ed1c24]"I was just about to ask you for yours, but... since you beat me to it, I..."[/color] Noah rubbed the back of his neck, and hung his head as though that would hide the obvious blush on his face. He looked up at the green-haired girl without re-positioning his head, and then looked over at the significantly taller girl that had accompanied her. He had no idea what kind of judgment they'd pass on his first impressions, and a part of him really didn't want to know. In all honesty, it had taken almost all the bravery Noah even had to [i]give[/i] just to try and talk to these two girls. They were girls, after all; neither was the most attractive, nor could they even be considered attractive for the typical male, but they were girls nonetheless. Sure enough, however... [color=ed1c24]"Noah. Acosta Noah,"[/color] he didn't know if he said it the way it was meant to be said, and doing it in the way James Bond would didn't build his confidence in that regard, but Noah owned his introduction, a light smile carving its way on his face and he raised his head again and met their gaze, [color=ed1c24]"It's an honor to meet you."[/color] He was surprised he was able to say everything in Japanese still. True, he avoided the words he didn't know how to actually [i]say[/i] in said language up until this point, but it was a good start for Noah. He apologized, he asked if someone was OK and he'd introduced himself. For someone as bad at Japanese as [i]him[/i] of all people, he'd come a long way. He could only hope his current grasp of the language wouldn't fail him later.