Mikhail pushed forth through the howling snow, his feet sinking in its frozen expanse. He had gone north, as far north as he could. Looking up at the darkened sky, he could see thousands of stars. However, tonight there was one more star. A new one, in a place that had been devoid of light, burned brightly in that sky. It was a sign, of that he was certain. A sign to return. Moving through the snowy expanse, small cats played around Mikhail’s shivering form. The cold didn’t affect them, it couldn’t affect them. The mana they consumed was negligible as well, which was good, especially for Mikhail. A sudden burst of wind blew open his thick cloak. Waving through the white air, a crimson banner was wrapped around his waist. Metal plating going before it. The banner of the Dragon Priests. A sign, a past. As red as that new star in the sky. Mikhail’s eyes burned with a fire, more lightning than flame. A thick fog passed from his mouth as he breathed, running past his face. Stretching his neck, Mikhail brought the thick cloak back around his shoulders. Damn, he was cold.