[@KaiserElectric] [@Drakey] Claude looked back at that guy, Elliot, as he vanished from view and sighed wistfully before turning back to face Elise. For two seconds, two real good god given glorious seconds, she'd thought that something exiting had been about to happen here. She had actually put herself in front of the other girl Elliot had grabbed to lead over here in anticipation of the tension exploding into something more. Then it had all just petered out into nothing, the boy had turned tail and run off, and all the build up had led to nothing. It deflated her like a balloon. She reached out and took there offered hand, gripping it for just a little to long to be comfortable before starting to shake. It wasn't that Claude was intentionally trying to size this girl up. It was a habit that had become mostly instinctual when she met anyone else with powers. Claude had seen the literal sparks licking up her legs during her and Elliot's stand off, and while fire had never done any good against Claude she had learned the hard way not to dismiss anyone based on something like that. Regardless of what she felt, she tried her best to give the girl a smile. "I'm Claudia. Claude to my friends. And don't worry, he would not have survived the attempt."