Okay, to be fair, [quote=@Avali] Rose, for whatever reason, decided that strong drink was in order. When she was drunk, the ringing in her head was enough to ignore even the voice in her head. [i]"If you get drunk again, fool, I'll have Muglin peck your eyes out!" [/i] She ignored him, knowing full well that he had no control over Muglin. Technically, she didn't even have control over the bird. It could be up and gone in an instant, and she could do little more than watch. She often wondered why Muglin bothered staying with her. Maybe he found her plight amusing. Maybe he liked the fact that she fed him, or maybe he was just bored. Rose was convinced that Muglin was some form of higher being, something more powerful than a mere bird. Eventually she stepped into the tavern, though the door had seemingly opened by itself. Either she was dreaming, or some magical shenanigans was afoot... She shook her head, dismissing the thought. It was probably just her mind playing tricks on her. What she saw in the tavern didn't surprise her. Two men, seemingly fighting over a woman. This sort of scenario was nothing new around here. People always felt the need to assert dominance, though why in the tavern, she could never understand. Nonetheless, she leaned up against a back corner wall and watched, eager to see the show. [/quote] That was the full post.