[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s33.postimg.org/bbhqu462n/funeral.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff][b]Location[/b][/color]: the Mournweald Estate [/center][hr][hr] Virginia paused for a moment, reflecting on who could have sent such an urgent message. As her mind went through the list of usual suspects, she nearly kicked herself with a bit of shame. [i]Mary.[/i] She had become acquainted with the Grand Duchess and by their accents, it seemed very likely these men were part of her party. She glanced quickly at James, wondering what solution Mary may have come up with. She had already allowed her fear of losing her brother to get the best of her and it had resulted in a rash agreement with a Talink. While that agreement could be undone, she already felt pangs of regret, only further complicated by the message from her father. [color=9999ff]"If you would please stay, that would be appreciated,"[/color] Virginia replied, smoothing her dress. She was rather used to being met with quizzical looks when individuals first encountered her. She had met Mary because of large suspicion that Virginia was a member of the Soulless, all attributed to her unnaturally pale skin. It was merely a Crypt family trait, however. [color=9999ff]"And if Dame Hale should have time for an audience, I would be inclined to speak with her in person about these matters, before another rash decision is made."[/color]