[quote=@Fury Panda] [color=00aeef]"Leave her alone you pricks..."[/color] she said calmly, putting her hand on her axe, looking all three men in the eyes...well at least two of them. One wore a strange mask, not unusual, but still menacing. [color=00aeef]"I don't want to have to beat the shit out of you, at least not in front of these army grunts."[/color] [/quote] Lorne was jostled by the sudden arrival of a new speaker, turning to watch as she placed a hand on her weapon, a dwarf, tough little balls of muscle they were, but this one seemed a little too quick to assume the worst. She was clearly threatening them, which Lorne didn't much care for. He wasn't just going to up and fight her about it, but he wasn't going to act like he appreciated it either. [color=mediumpurple]"You know it's rude to interrupt others when they're conversing, we were just speaking to this girl, just a few minutes ago I attempted to come to her aid when she seemed overwhelmed,"[/color] as he spoke, he idly drew a thin knife from his belt and placed his hand upon a table. [color=mediumpurple]"If you mean to fight us simply for speaking then go ahead,"[/color] Lorne said, spinning the knife in his hand. In one sudden movement he impaled his own hand upon the table, not even flinching or showing any signs of pain. No blood came from the wound. [color=mediumpurple]"Don't be so sure it's a fight you'll win however."[/color] Lorne pulled the impaled hand up the blade of the knife, reaching the handle in one smooth motion, then in a sudden rip tearing the hand free, leaving a bloodless hole in the palm of his hand, which he examined thoughtfully.