[i][u]Yumi Hasewaga ANBU operative, Team 4[/i][/u] Yumi eyed Katsuko, who had entered the place. Not soon after him, Ryo entered the place. Yumi nodded at them both. She was wondering how they would feel about her being part of the team now. After all, their team was now a specialized ANBU auxiliary team. Meaning they were more or less used for more important missions that they were suitable for. Yumi wondered briefly how Tsubasa would lead them and on what kind of mission. [b]''Hi guys.''[/b] Yumi reacted back. She tried to sound a bit cheerful, polite but it wasn't the effect she desired. Instead it sounded like her it was a bit of forced. [b]''So, now we are all here, what kind of mission do you have for us, Tsubasa?''[/b] Yumi asked, eyeing her team leader. It had been so long since she had been part of a team. To view somebody as her leader, other than Hisoka, felt a bit odd. But she would just likely get used to the idea that Tsubasa would give her orders now. Besides, Tsubasa was a fine kunoichi. Her profile held a good record. About each of the members of the team. It made Yumi wonder about the present team 2. The team she had been in before becoming an apprentice in the ANBU corps. Trying to focus, Yumi would listen to what would be said.