Sam sat brooding in his cell. He was furious, angry and hurt. Chad was at the hospital looking after Ella and the cause of all of this was his Dad. That horrible, evil human being that had ruined so many lives had the nerve to be back her, "and I'm his son!" he wailed. Sam, thankfully was out of cuffs but that was no respite. His wrists bled, his head had stopped bleeding but looked sore. "That man. That man hurt Ella. That man threatened to hurt Louis. He hurt Autumn and Mom too all those years ago," he muttered before having a horrible, horrible dark thought. [i]'My God....Brooklyn....'[/i] Brooklyn's death was no accident. She was killed and Sam was fitted up for the crime. Sam would never understand why, but who would want to hurt him and Brooklyn? He couldn't answer this, but the man who hurt Mom, Ella and Autumn was now the only logical person who could have hurt her. Sam banged on his cell door, "Open up! Open up! I know who killed Brooklyn!" Sam carried on banging on the cell and at this point he knew full well that in this small police station there was someone else who could hear his cries for help... "Dad, I promise you. Right now, you will pay for this. I will see you in Hell. For what you did, you will pay." He sat down on the bunk, his head in his hands and cried, thinking of Brooklyn, who suffered for reasons beyond his comprehension. He cried for Louis who was probably in child protection right now. He cried for his Mother and Autumn, pretty much a surrogate mother and all they suffered. If someone had have offered him the blade, the noose or the pills he would have ended it all right there and then. He was born of an evil man. He banged the door for some time, knowing full well he was being ignored. He got louder and louder before tiring. It was an awful day all around. Eventually, he curled up on the floor and whimpered until unconsciousness caught up to him...