[@Sisyphus] You would be right about your notion that Dengi would be more easily convinced to sign up. A trip to a legendary island is 110% the opportunity he's waiting for :P [@Mokley] The runes on his golden teeth are exactly what they say on the tin. Runes to keep gold (which is a notoriously soft metal) in shape and as hard as steel so they can actually be used in day to day life without the metal deforming. The gently glowing rune on the side of his head isn't described as doing anything because it doesn't. It's just a tattoo that glows because his people were into that kind of thing. [hr] In regards to intro order, I'm not exactly opposed to Dengi having a rushed/short intro. In a way I designed him to slide as effortlessly into this thing as possible. People who have characters who would be more complicated to bring on board should have priority.