[@Drakey] An error message sounded in the robot's brain, warning it that it it's connection to the mainframe was lost, and new actions must be a calculated, but those actions stayed the same. A slave to it's core programming in the absence of commands from it's Cosman masters, the mainframe had been quiet for decades. The robot used it to scan and sense the goings on of the entire temple, but here, with it's foe in this room, the robot's own audio and heat sensors could detect the enemy's location and stance, using it to predict future activity. The robot had noticed that the intruder's wing had been damaged and that aerial combat and manoeuvring would be impeded. They would have a harder time avoiding attacks. Of course, it seemed to favour melee combat with it's sword. 'Countermeasure:Remove sword'. The robot, instead of blocking or deflecting the sword, or dodging, positioned itself quickly so that the sword would penetrate non-vital components, and once inserted into the chest plate, would be grabbed by the robot's hands tightly. At that point, the robot would reverse it's jet thrusters and boost backwards as fast as it could, in an effort to force Elizabeth to let go of her sword.