[h3][center]~Eirwen~[/center][/h3] [@Crusader Lord][@Hammerman][@Old Amsterdam] [hr] Eirwen protested lightly as she was dropped into her seat as usual. For a few seconds she just sat there in the seat, the side of her face resting on the desk as she watched the doorway. Well, nothing odd there. What was odd were the two love-birds in the doorway standing awkwardly and otherwise being annoying. Tsk. She had half a mind to put ice under their chairs so it'd slip out from under them when they moved them. Too bad she wasn't particularly skilled with actually freezing things otherwise that'd be funny. Dia and Felix, were there names right? Dia was nice enough. Felix though? Oh boy she absolutely hated his sort of personality. Loud, unintelligent, and bleeegh. Of course, that was just her impression of him. She hadn't really interacted with him much, so she couldn't really be sure. She was fairly certain she didn't care and at some point was going to tell him that just for giggles though. Actually, wait, no. Too much effort to go out of her way to do. [color=6ecff6]"Hmm~"[/color] Eirwen sat up, stretching as she at least attempted to look like she was awake. [color=6ecff6]"Leanne, you have to tell me what hair products you use. Your hair smells lovely."[/color] She proceeded to lean on the desk with her elbows, resting her head in the palm of her hand. [color=6ecff6]"Haaa....I hope today's class isn't difficult."[/color] She glanced over to Kanako, giving her usual neutral, sleepy expression. Hm, come to think of it she didn't really know many other people in the class, aside from Leanne and Bhu that well, and Leanne more than Bhu. ...oh well, not like it mattered. Friends were tiring anyways. She could barely handle two! Any more and she really would be an adorable puddle of exhaustion. [color=6ecff6]"...what kind of pizza will it be?"[/color] She turned back to Leanne, asking about the free pizza in question.