[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C8iMHvw.jpg[/img] [h2][color=000000]Filthy Frank, 18.[/color][/h2][/center] [h2][color=000000]Urban Outdoorsman[/color][/h2][sub]No one is really sure where he came from. Well, except his parents. No one is really sure whose his parents are. Well, except his parents. However, his parents have clearly never claimed him. And therefore, by default, Filthy Frank has no idea where he came from either. All anyone knows (except for his parents), Frank just kind of rolled like a tumbleweed into town on one of those patriotic 4th of July celebrations and caused some ruckus with the neighborhood kids when the fireworks were painting the sky in America's favorite red, white and blue; and sometime after that, it was made apparent that no one and nothing was going to make this hobo leave town. Frank was here to stay... homeless (and flithy): Good Samaritans have tried to take him in and show him what a real, good American family is like, but for some strange or bizarre reason, Filthy Frank doesn't seem to have the ability to stick around with the civilized for very long. It is as if he prefers to be homeless and roam the streets like some [i]filthy[/i] animal as opposed to living like a sophisticated human being. It is supposed that he is probably just too wild to be tamed, now. Nonetheless, there's a sweet charm to spotting Filthy Frank, sitting and humming on the side of the road offering the women roses that he plucked from [FIXME: sandman9913's Character's Name]'s deceased wife's rose garden. In fact, the town sees him like some sort of tune-caroling mascot. Plus, he usually doesn't cause much of any trouble aside from his foul smell and odd habit of stealing pies from windowsills to feed to the birds at the public park. Sometimes, he causes a riot just to get off the streets during the winter, but it's never something the public [i]truly[/i] is shocked to see a Molatto do. It's not like he can magically cleanse his nigger-half because his locks aren't kinky. [/sub] [right][h2][color=000000]Village Idiot[/color][/h2][sub]As an Urban Outdoorsman, Filthy Frank has never had a formal education. He is not retarded, but it is clear that his use of the English Language and other social norms is definitely by all means not at all in any way, shape, or form one of his strong suits. In fact, the only suit he does wear has never been cleaned, and no one is really sure what the original color was. Well, except for the person who gave him the coat. However, no one has ever claimed the charitable donation. It assumed that the donation was given to keep Filthy Frank from indecent exposure. Unfortunately, no one has been successful in stopping his public urinating and stools. At least, he keeps to the sides of buildings as opposed to the flower gardens of Probity's lawns, now. Filthy Frank just doesn't know any better, which is why he also makes such a decent punching bag. Having no real legal citizenship or full-white blood to claim his humanity has caused him some great physical pain among the full-bred American men of Probity: [i]"That's why he refuses to live in-doors! He's not even 3/5[sup]th[/sup] human. He's an abomination of even the nigger race, Sally-dear!"[/i] Despite all abominations tied to his DNA, Filthy Frank is anything but the violent type (which makes him all the more easier to abuse), and while he does whimper and sob during and after a good beating, it is not at all surprising to see the hobo bruised and bloodied yet still humming that merry tune while trying to hand out [FIXME: sandman9913's Character's Name]'s deceased wife's rose garden's roses to the women hours later. At heart, he is simply just really a good ole dopey, sappy, romantic bastard, who wants to be loved, and there's nothing Probity can do about that -- except through murder, probably.[/sub][/right] [hr][center][h3][color=000000]Orphan[/color][/h3] [sub]N/A[/sub][/center] [hr][center][youtube]https://youtu.be/KIe-tLOXHpA[/youtube][/center]