[quote=@DarkwolfX37] Good news: - Loot boxes are becoming classified as gambling, which might change gacha games too, and hopefully will make lootboxes into "pay for x" rather than "pay for maybe x maybe y maybe a fucking recolor." - Mordred is finally coming to Fate GO later this month. Bad news: - Patreon is now charging a .35 surcharge on all transactions. So if you pay per post and give a dollar per post you'll be giving 3.50 to Patreon itself, and they aren't making this obvious public knowledge like they should, so now if you have a ten dollar monthly limit giving a dollar to ten people every month you'll be charged above your limit by 3.50 and neither Patreon nor your bank will tell you about this unless you specifically notice it on your bank receipts. Which means if you pay per post you could lose tons more than you ever expected or wanted. - Ajit who gives a fuck what his name is is cheating to try to get NN repealed by sending bots to the FCC comments page in support of the repeal, which may go so far as to list the names of people who never commented at all on the FCC. There could very well be a pro-repeal comment there under Whiz's name right now without any of us knowing it. [/quote] Eh Eh Ew Fake old news—besides, it doesn't matter at this point, considering they already drafted the deal and it's really good. We talked about it.