Orson saw that there were no more questions to be thrown across the room at him so he decided to continue on. [color=0072bc]"With that being said we believe that the Greys may be allied with the others. The Grails have been said to require something special in order to activate it. I don't know what exactly but it may be that the Grey Family has allied themselves with another faction, or family in order to get what they needed. Prime suspects being Einzbern. That little moving castle trick is something they like to use for their grail wars. But we have no substantial pieces of evidence. Other than that the Grey children were said to be in an arranged marriage to another mage but we don't know who at the moment. However rumor says it was broken after bad blood what remains of that alliance may, or may not be true."[/color] commented Orson as he sighed and placed his hands together, and pressed forward onto the headmaster's table. [color=0072bc]"I'm not sure if all of you know the exact reason why you're here. So let me tell you: I have called you all here to be a master for a member of our faction. A Black Faction. Made to combat the Grey's Red Faction. By agreeing to hear anything further, and to be willing to submit your life to this cause to possibly save the world from a new age of mage totalitarian rule we ask that you assist us in this endeavor. But you're all mages you say? Why should we risk this when this could benefit us? Because the vast majority of the world aren't mages. And they, while useful tools, shouldn't be ruled by the few unless they must. The Mage Association seeks the root. When we find it we may understand the divine right of rulership. If not then we will understand where we stand. Until such a time we must live in secrecy until we understand just exactly we are capable of."[/color] Orson said with a clear, and flat tone as he looked across the room. Anderson made no gestures he knew why he was here. Leon sighed, and nodded. [color=8dc73f]"The recruiter told my father the truth. I know it too. But at the same time I will not tolerate any any sort of oppression. I stand as an advocate for personal freedom. As such I'm willing to shackle another person, willing or not, to my own will. To become a hypocrite for the greater good I will fight for Black Faction. For what little my life is worth I will lend it to you. I'm not worth as much as my predecessors. But I'm better than nothing. I have no qualm with the family Grey but their lives will be sacrificed if the future demands it."[/color] Leon said with strong conviction as he shook his head in affirmation. He held no stupid thoughts of how this was for 'the betterment of the world'. Leon was a hypocrite. He vouched for freedom, and equality and he hated the thought of becoming a slave. For all his 'moral high ground' Leon was willing to throw it to the ground for a greater good. [color=8dc73f]"When good men fail to act. Bad men win."[/color] Leon affirmed as Orson nodded at Leon thanking him for his help.