[quote=@Penny] So an individual dosen't have the right to kill themselves in your mind? Or your just for 100% DIY? [/quote] No, sorry. You don't "have that right." Disregarding religion, and the fact most suicide isn't successful and this mystical dying of death disease isn't the highest percentage of why people do try committing suicide. It's almost always linked to mental health and it's often something that CAN be treated. Suicide is reckless, because it will inherently cost another person money, suffering and time dealing with it. http://lostallhope.com/suicide-statistics Here's even, Huffpo explaining why it's not a good idea through a progressive lense. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/ana-acton/the-progressive-case-agai_1_b_5648126.html Here's another. But someone you may be able to take seriously. http://www.thecompassionatechoice.com/articles/30-logical-reasons-against-assisted-suicide/ Reason #18- No on Assisted Suicide October 21 Today’s AD-Assisted suicide laws put poor people at risk. This is the Martin Sheen argument against assisted suicide. He is making radio ads in Washington partly because he believes that assisted suicide laws will put poor people and those without health insurance at an extreme disadvantage within the medical system. Think of the money we’d save on CAT scans, x-rays, medicine, nursing care, rehabilitation, disability payments, etc if we had this cheap alternative: suicide. Martin Sheen is right. Reason #16- No on Assisted Suicide October 19 Today’s AD-The first Nazi victims were terminally ill people. The Nazi party used very emotional propaganda films about terminally ill people who needed the compassion of assisted suicide. Today we Americans are watching similar movies like “Million Dollar Baby,” which got the 2004 Academy Award for Best Picture. The most effective Nazi film told the heart-breaking story of a doctor’s wife who begged her husband to kill her. Once they sold the German people on assisted suicide and had some doctors on board, the Nazi party moved into the concept of “useless eaters.” Germany was in a terrible depression in the 1930s, worse than America’s. “Useless eaters” were criminally insane, severely handicapped children, very very elderly, etc. Once they eliminated “useless eaters,” the Nazis went on to killing —- well, you’ve got the idea. For more information, go to article “Hitler, the Nazis and Four Arguments Against Assisted Suicide.” Reason #30- No on Assisted Suicide Sunday, November 2 Today’s AD-Some terminally ill people recover and get well. A hospice nurse told me about a lovely 24-year-old given three months to live. Five years later, she is still with us and the mother of a child. Every good doctor knows that medicine is an art as well as a science. No one can predict with 100% certainty who will live and who will die. Although it is rare, some terminally ill people can and do get better. Everyone who works in hospice can tell you at least one story attesting to that. They personally knew a patient who beat the odds and is still vertical today. Offer them suicide and you take everything away from them. You take away hope. You take away their lives. Reason 29: No on Assisted Suicide Saturday, November 1 Today’s Ad: Doctors make mistakes in medical care. This week, the Mississippi Supreme Court upheld a $4 million award to the family of a woman misdiagnosed with cancer and then given a lethal dose of painkillers.The 66-year-old woman received massive doses of painkillers at a hospice for cancer, which an autopsy showed she never had, according to court records. That’s just this week’s news. It happens all the time. For more horror stories from families who suffered this way, see http://kaiserpapers.org/. The JOURNAL of the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4, reports that medical errors may be the third leading cause of death in the United States at 225,000 deaths per year. Half are medical mistakes, including 2,000 deaths/year from unnecessary surgery; 7000 deaths/year from medication errors in hospitals; 20,000 deaths/year from other errors in hospitals; and 80,000 deaths/year from infections in hospitals. Do you want to give doctors the right to administer suicide medications? Hey, mistakes happen. Here's more. https://www.mccl.org/case-against-assisted-suicide You have no argument but a grandstanding emotional argument. But your morality is backwards, if you think you can lecture me about not wanting/allowing those to commit a willing act of murder on the innocent.