[hider=BEHHOLD, I KNOW THEM ALL!]Zephyrion - Prophet of Heru. Poisoned by that treacherous Aihtiraq. Loved him. Great character development. Ventus - I seem to remember he was mentioned as that one djinni experimented on in Raka. Poor guy. Cool guy though. Xos - Zephyrion's right-hand man and heir. Wreacked vengeance on Aihtiraq after Zephyrion's assassination. Rose to Prophet status after Heru blessed him. Aihtiraq - EEEEVVVIIIILLLLL. Pasach - That hain who fell into Mammon's pit. Poor guy. Heru - The great sun God. Cool guy. Akthanos - Heru's step-son. Y'Qar - Akthanos' real dad. Abandoned poor Akthanos and only came back when Akthanos got rich and powerful. Greedy bastard. Dorias - Heru's arch-rival and best friend. Heru only keeps him around because he looks funny. The Raptaptapper - Built a temple and taught people how to rap. Enkidu - The guy who tried to wrestle Basheer, but Basheer wanted to rap because he'd recently learnt a thing or two from Rappy. Ommok - King of the Orcs. Grumpy guy. Gormon - Was Ommok's vizier until he fell in love with Niciel. He is now on a quest to find her and make babies. Half orc half god babes. Grekogork - An evolved Orc called a Gork. Bit of a dork. Stog - Ommok's firstborn son. Ran away when he found out that Ommok is considering teaching him his grumpy ways. Skagoth - Ommok's disciple. Grumpy. Dargok - The first evolved Gork, known as a Gok. Ommok has plans for him. Clem - Ommok's wife. Mum - Not really a mum, is actually a dad. Glutton - An ascetic Gok living in a cave. Master of the Hi-Mi-Lo Way, which involves fasting for seven days every week from dawn to dusk and from dusk to dawn. It is very effective. Flayr - A djinni attempting to become an orc. Ommok is still considering his application. Murmur - A famous practitioner of the musical technique known as 'screaming'. Slag - Flayr's best friend. Is tring to convince him not to become an orc and become an urtelem instead. No success so far. Char - Slag's son. He was originally slightly burned, but life happened. Salis - Great djinni of water. Graund - Great djinni of wind. Cyclonis - Great djinni of flame. Torrid - Great djinni of earth. Cataract - Djinni of blinding people. Gneiss - A djinni Heru accidentally ate. Synnefos - Wants to avenge Gneiss by killing Basheer. Anshal - Trying to find Synnefos to tell him he's confused. Komnestos - The first communist. Notus - Leading a purge to destroy communists. Boreas - Working on a revolutionary new food. It's working title is 'Borridge'.[/hider] Edit: damn, termite beat me to it