Hey everybody! I am excited to start roleplaying again, especially on a new website that looks as cool at this one! It has been almost a year since I had last roleplayed but I have a few years of experience under my belt. I am 21 years old and for about 5 of those years I spent hunched over my laptop typing fanfiction or creating roleplays with my friends. I would rate my self as a high casual-low advance. Also, I would love to start out in 1x1 roleplays but if a group roleplay sounds awesome I will totally give it a try! Anyway, I am super excited to get back into roleplaying and cannot wait to meet some cool people. I am super interested in almost all themes but I prefer horror or alt-history a little more than others. Also if anyone wants to do some Jurassic Park/World roleplay pretty please hit me up! I am sure it will be super awesome to meet you all! Love, Juniper