[@Pirouette] Thank you. I was gripped with a moment of panic when I wrote "she" and then paused with "am I sure that's correct?", and then went up to your little sheets to find nothing about it. Haha. ... I'm afraid I am not going to be taking availability in Black/White into account for Pokémon you may coincidentally encounter/receive. XD [@Pikmin Eye] You explain your tactics in a post, along with as many eventualities as you desire to include and in what circumstance you attempt capture. I will then be typing out how the entire battle went, along with consequences. If something goes wrong with your written tactics, then I'll pause the attempt to quick-capture and await your change of tactics. But, should everything go as planned, it might allow you to capture a Pokémon with a single post-exchange. It's only quick-catch in terms of how many posts we exchange, the battle still takes as long in-game. That's about that.