[b][u]Ruling[/u][/b][list] [*]Xavier's skin was halfway removed and destroyed by the previous beam attack from Dias as indicated by Xavier's EOD post. [*]Dias will cancel the remaining portion of his beam attack. He'll initiate the flash freeze with the ether from the attack. [*]Dread particles are confirmed to only be frozen if at a specific size[sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4502662] 1[/url][/sup] [*]Flash-Freeze aura is emitted from the barrier's location and expanding outward. [*]Flash-Freeze has an effect to "instantly freeze" on contact with any physical object. The 2nd effect pertains to ice crystallizing from the freezing with the same effect as the Flash-Freeze. [*]The ice crystals that formed permeated the same aura. This concludes that Dias' Excalibur barrier emitted the same flash-freeze properties having shift blue as an elemental color indication. [*]Dias Blade IS capable of creating and manipulating elements he controls provided Ether is its core supply of generation[sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4255361] 2[/url][/sup] [*]It was ruled previously that he is allowed elemental control of the primary six elements of Narria: Water being an element in the ruling. [*]Dread Energy does destroy and wears down physical matter over time[sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4253251] 3[/url][/sup] though it pertain to shields and weaponry but they are tangible thus validated. [*]Flash-Freeze's ability to freeze an object is immediate with the time indicator of "instant" as a duration value. [*]It would be impossible for Xavier to dig his nails into the grooves of the stage since it's invincible; however, it might also mean he wedged his toes into the wedges to slow his momentum when fixing his position. It isn't how the act is performed but this plays a critical role in the verdict below. [*]Xavier will reach a stopping point of his advance when his toes hooked into the grooves. He'd use this position to coil enough to spring towards Dias. This is another absolute critical point to the verdict. [*]The stopping point of Xavier's contorted body's path narrates how Dias' flash freezing aura makes contact against the "metallic head" of Xavier. He is "hit" in the head first at this stopping point. [*]Xavier will describe the effects of the flash freeze by denoting the ice crystal formulating throughout his body. This is the 2nd effect of Dias' flash-freeze aura and the finality of a confirmed hit. [*]Dread Flame is akin to ordinary flame with a faster burning/eradicating rate. [*]Xavier's character does not have many vital organs, but it is confirmed he does have a brain (Profile sheet: Enhanced Body, final bullet)[sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4253251] 4[/url][/sup] [*]Dread Flame's heat was not described as to what counteracts the ice crystal agents but their Dread Particle properties. [/list] [B][Color=Red]Verdict[/color][/b] Dias Blade is capable of wielding the elemental ice as it is a solid state of water crystallizing. His profile sheet and the ruling indicates them in tandem. [i]"Once burned, unstable raw Ether which is essentially undefined energy can then be defined using base elements, such as Metal to craft simple weapons like Swords."[/i] ~ Dias Blade, Ether Burn (TZDL2017) - Third Paragraph [i]"The Five primary elements of Narria are Fire Water Earth Air Light."[/i] ~ Mobius 2nd Ruling[sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4444423]5[/url][/sup] The elements Dias can control or generate was indicated in his previous bout with Leeroy where he created a Scythe and then super-heated it. It can be determined that elemental is both chemical and fantasy. This allows Dias Blade to craft weaponry and manipulate their temperature as well as generate natural forces. Water, being an element in both regards to periodic table configuration and fantasy, was frozen to a solid state as provided by Ether. Dias cancelled the finality of his beam to use what remained to create his Flash Freeze. Flash Freeze may not be an energy field but a product of that changes the ambient temperature on contact to an absolute freezing point within an instant. Xavier's body and its exposed skeleton was stated in the EOD post previous to Dias' Flash-Freeze where at least halve of his flesh was removed from the resulting beam he survived.[sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4463356]6[/url][/sup] In the next set of actions he'd race to the north of the stage before contorted his body to face east while continuing his trajectory in the hopes of propelling off the wall. His dread particles will notify him of the freezing wave emitting from his opponent throughout the duration of his post as validated by his profile sheet involving Dread Energy and Dread particles as an extrasensory. By this point Xavier will already be imbued by his own Dread energy aura. Xavier's skin repels energy, but no energy is expelled by the flash-freeze as it's a byproduct of "energy" spent to create it. The flesh of Xavier is already removed prior so little insulation is provided regardless. Xavier also contains 3 times more blood than a human though it consist of dread fluid. The properties of Dread Energy remains consistent that upon anything not of itself does dissolve and erode objects; however, there's a duration in which prolong exposure causes the aforementioned erosion. The first physical contact Xavier's character will meet involve Dias in this instance was the flash freeze, and he indicated that it would: [i]"In that same instant, which he finally stopped, the freezing Aura slammed home against the top of his metallic head and a multitude of ice crystals began to manifest all over his body"[/i] ~ Xavier Bloodbayne, 5th post - 6th paragraph This is a confirmed hit from Dias' attack with the aforementioned effects mentioned. [i]"Upon contact with physical matter, a flash freeze effect was demonstrated as anything touched became instantly frozen with ice forming. The ice possessed the same aura and was literally growing itself while spreading throughout the arena at an alarming rate."[/i] ~ Dias Blade, 4th post - 5th paragraph There are an abundant amount of discrepancies we uncovered. Xavier first allowed the wave to make contact with him and in particular his exposed cranium. Dread Metal does not indicate any stipulation against freezing effects of cooler temperatures, and Dias described the effects of his freezing as "instant" so the duration of the aforementioned freeze is instantaneous. The second issue is that Xavier stopped his momentum at this very point in which he'd succumb to the freezing. This is important because if he is frozen then the rest of his attack may not have occurred. Xavier's flame does burn and at a greater rate of "flame", but at which rate we cannot determine and again it is at a rate versus the immediate freeze of Dias' wave. The important detail is that his "flames" Dread energy effect only targets the crystals. They do not prevent the instant freeze which ignites the ice crystals effect. Xavier, instead, described as having been effected by the flash freeze and allowed ice crystals to form throughout his body before igniting his aura into dread flame. Dread Flame is akin to ordinary fire with a different coloration and burning rate having a dread energy affinity, but dread energy itself does not instantly dissolve matter. Ice crystals forming all over from the same aura of Dias' flash freeze means the instant freezing attack is wholesale. [i]"But just as fast as they had appeared, they were destroyed as the air was permeated with the ear piercing shrieks of a thousand damned and tortured souls as the Dread Energy coating his body was ignited in order to coat himself in Dreadful Flames. It was not the heat of these flames that was destroying these ice crystals, but rather the unique property they carried which allowed them to destroy physical matter upon contact;"[/i] ~ Xavier Bloodbayne, 5th Post - 6th Paragraph Dread Flame nor Dread Energy immediately destroys matter. The flame's heat itself by Xavier's admission did not target the ice crystals in an attempt to thaw. The ice crystals was already made and is only made because Xavier was "instantly frozen" by Dias' ice wave upon contact voluntarily. That indicates he'll be frozen by the time these ice crystals form, but the flames do not combat the actual freeze. It cannot be instant because Dread Flame nor Dread Energy immediately destroys matter either. There's 3 distinct instances that mention this. [i]"The structural integrity of weapons and armor may begin to waiver after several direct hits and/or physical blocks of the Dread Energy."[/i] ~ Dread Energy, 3rd Bullet [i]"The Dread Metal, as it would be named, gained its special properties through decades of breaking down a stone lake bed before Xavier has found it."[/i] ~ Dread Metal, description "On the whole these flames would operate much like ordinary flames. They do however burn with a dark red hue. The infusion of Dread Energy grants them the ability to burn eradicate matter at a higher rate as well as allows Xavier to create his flames on a whim." ~ Dread Flame Versus [i]"It was no more than a minute after Xavier had first fallen into the black lake, time passing much slower in the real world." "Inside The like he found what remained of his body lying at the bottom; already a skeleton as the Chaos Energy had eaten away the flesh"[/i] ~ Xavier Bloodbayne, the chronicles - final 6 paragraphs. The chaos energy destroying the original Xavier was a product of the Chaos God Mitsurashi and though both are almost indistinguishable. The degeneration rate differs from these two instances. It can be argued they are exactly similar except for Xavier's will, but the story's effects of Chaos energy from the lake was the product of another will having a different erosion rate than the profile sheet suggest from Dread Energy's own abilities (since Xavier awoken to find his body destroyed). Chaos energy became Dread energy upon successful accession of Xavier Bloodbayne's title to the new "chaos god" of his canon and the body dissolving only occurred by whim of Mitsurashi instead. The final and most vital piece of information is Xavier's own anatomy. Xavier has replaced and removed vital organs of his body to perpetuate Dread Fluid (liquid dread energy), but Xaiver does contain a brain. The brain of Xavier itself is still a vital organ in which information and will of the character is signaled. There's no indication in his profile sheet that he is removed from bodily death and though it is possible for Xavier to survive losing a body (including a brain) he might not be able to reassemble another bodily construct in time and thus will be unable to battle. This is indicated in the backstory of Xavier where he first learned to create a body from his own, killed others, and then fashioned an optimized body based on encounters he's had. This means some time is necessary for the creation of another construct. Xavier's brain is still the vital organ in which he gives and receives information especially in this fight when regarding Dread Energy's extrasensory. The brain is not a solid object (it's more of a liquid) and exposure to the flash freeze first with a metallic surface interacting with it would also instantly freeze the brain: [i]"Xavier has enhanced the neuron pathways that send signals from his brain to his various limbs. Allowing his body to beginning reacting at an increased rate."[/i] ~ Enhanced Body, Final Bullet The brain being frozen will render him paralyzed and unable to continue as he'll have confirmed a hit by the flash freeze, and any commands he gives will also be mesmerized. A point of contention can be made by the Dread Energy aura surrounding Xavier, but by admission Dread Particles are unaffected by the flash-freeze in which some form of correlation is deduced. Xavier narrated that only the larger particles were spellbound but smaller particles were immune or unaffected, but these enlarged Dread Particles are a product of cannibalization from his EOD post and thus not a natural occurrence of Dread Energy's inherited behavior. [i]"However, this freezing sensation would have an effect on only those particles closest to the radiant barrier; whose physical presence had been increased to allow them to combat the barrier. The smaller of the particles were raw Dread Energy and thus possessed no physical presence, rendering them immune from the freezing effects that were targeting physical matter."[/i] ~ Xavier's x post[sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4502662]6[/url][/sup] This is true as they will be energy; however, the liquid dread energy inside of Xavier and his body is solid matter and will freeze akin to the engorged Dread Particles. This may explain how the flash-freeze emission was able to make contact, but also determines that he'll be frozen and internally as well: [i]"Xavier has replaced the blood in his body with a liquid metal form dread energy substitute"[/i] ~ Xavier Bloodbayne, Dread Metal - First Sentence [i]"Via his direct commands Xavier’s blood is forced through the pores of his body wherever it is needed where it takes on the glisten of liquid metal and can harden in an instant to replicate the strength of heavy armor with almost half the necessary amount of material."[/i] ~ Xavier Bloodbayne, Dread Metal - First Bullet. [i]"Xavier is known to possess three to four times as much blood as a normal human of the same size and stature. The main reason for this is that Xavier is free from the burden of major internal organs such as lungs, kidneys, liver or hear. All these things are broken down during the change and their cells are used to produce more Dread Energy. Xavier’s blood is a combination of Dread Energy and earthen Energy that allows Xavier full control over his blood. Meaning not all wounds will bleed and if they do it is often for an underlying reason."[/i] ~ Xavier Bloodbayne, Enhanced Body - Description and First Paragraph. Dread Fluid will be large enough to be rendered as molecules to be frozen and stopped and subsequently also freezing Xavier in place. In this state Xavier will be unable to contest as Dread Energy will have to dissolve frozen dread matter. A mental command must be given, but none can be dispatched as the brain will be frozen first. TZDL has a restriction against immunity to death and a paralyzed character can result in a KO if they are unable to fight. Dread Flames was narrated not to use the heat to thaw Xavier but their degradation effect which takes an unspecified time, and the only matter they'll dissolve is foreign crystals from moisture in the air being frozen. For them to thaw Xavier will indicate they'll have to first dissolve the character itself as he is still frozen by the freeze and thus destroy his own body in the process. This is a possibility but at this point Xavier will be unable to battle, and thus it is ruled that Xavier is unable to continue this fight as being technically frozen by the flash freeze. The ice crystals will initiate their effect and it's questionable whether Xavier will be giving the command upon being instantly frozen and if so will take time for the ice crystals to be dilapidate. The time may not be incredibly long but Xavier will still remain frozen. Dias Blade advances. Xavier had some interesting abilities with a custom power and had some workable ideas albeit mistimed in execution.