[center][h2][color=fff79a]Rin Meets an Artist (Route 1: Hills)[/color][/h2][/center] [quote=@Metamore] [Color=rosybrown]"I'm taking that as yes."[/color] Rin said before hiking them up one last time in their arms, and did their best to lift them as high as they could. [Color=rosybrown]"Elite 4, here we come!"[/color] With that, they took off deeper in the forest; just now beginning to trek the inclines of hills, and see the clearings of meadows. Rin intended to catch em all, so that meant no breaking at just one or [i]four[/i] catches. Sure, they spent two Pokéballs on him, but they'd cross that bridge when they came to it. Now was the time for exploration! [i]Two Pokémon Down, Eight-Hundred Left To Go![/i] [/quote] As Rin walked along their merry way, the sun began to set. That sure was a large forest! On top of a nearby hill, a wild [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Smeargle_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Smeargle[/url] was facing out to the distant waters. Beside him stood a large smooth rock protruding out of the ground. With his blue tipped tail, he painted a very detailed interpretation of the waters. On that same rock, it seamed as if other Smeargle had already finished the greens of the hill in the foreground. Upon his last brush stroke, Smeargle sat down, legs crossed. He then took a deep breath and relaxed, glancing between the painting and the scene before him. It seemed as if he had no worries in the world, not from predators or anything. This was a little [u][i][b]naive[/b][/i][/u] to say the least. After all, he was right out in the open, vulnerable to the world. [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]Look at that, another Pokemon! This Smeargle is at level 5. What will you do? Battle it? Throw a Pokeball? or Keep moving? Keep in mind, if you choose to battle it, Smeargle will Sketch the first move you use against it, in order to fight back. That move will become his move for life, and he won't be able to learn another move until he hits [b]level 11[/b]. If you catch him without battling, you'll keep that blank Sketch. What will you do? [/hider]