[b][center]Hisoka Uchiha Yondaime Hokage[/center][/b] It was an interesting day for the city. As Hisoka stood by his window and watched the streets stretch out before him his thoughts went to the fresh Genin that would take their next step into the ninja world today. They would meet their sensei and start training. They would complete missions and fight battles. They would gain friends and allies and make enemies. Suddenly it seemed not so long ago that Hisoka had been arriving on a trainingsfield, ready to meet his new squadmembers. For a moment he closed his eyes and send a word up to the sky for their lives. Where they happy in whatever afterlife there was? If there was even any. He hoped they were. A distrubance in the barrier around him and Hisoka turned as his ANBU appeared into the room. The city might experience a new fresh day, for him it was business as usual and there were missions to hand out. Suzaku arrived first, flickering into existance before him, dropping on one knee. [b]"Yes, I did."[/b] He said in respons to the question of the man. [b]"Please wait."[/b] The wait was only moments as paper filtered through the room. For a split second Hisoka looked pained, but then his face was back to the professional face that the Hokage should wear. Harumi. He hadn't seen her for a long time. Not since then. [b]"So you have."[/b] He said standing tall before his two subordinates. So far there was no sight of Sakamoto, but no matter. He would fill in the man with details later. [b]"I have a mission for each of you."[/b] He turned to Suzaku as he stepped forward to his desk and took of a folded sheet of paper. [b]"I want you to deliver this message to the Raikage and I want it given to him and him alone. It is time I had a meeting with the ruler of the Country of Lightning about our trades. I want it done swiftly."[/b] Hisoka handed the message to Suzaku. [b]"If that is understood you are dismissed. When you come back report to me or my assistant directly."[/b] After Suzaku left Hisoka turned to Harumi. His face was emotionless. [b]"I want you to check out the borders of the Wind Country for me. Take a small squad and make sure our security is in perfect state, anything that is not right should be fixed. You will have the authority over that. We can't have surprises coming to us from that side. To ensure this I'd like to give you an extra mission. The first one will guide as your cover to complete this second one. It would be very convenient for us to know what the Land of Wind is currently trying to achieve. To now this we could use a good source. I'm sure a ninja of the Sand would love to tell you quite a few things with the right motivation. I assume you get that this is top secret and cannot be known to anyone. Understood? If so you are dismissed. You are free to take the people you want as long as you understand that this second part is for you alone."[/b]