Arthur now grinned from ear to ear. The saltiness of his tear stains tingled on his skin slightly. He shook his head after Riley introduced herself and asked if he knew where Scalby parish was. He pointed his thumb at his chest. "I'm from Amherst, New Hampshire!" [quote]"We probably should not go back that way."[/quote] Arthur pointed at the door at the other side of the porch not far from the wind-up robot. "You're right. There's a door over there! I hope the smashing didn't wake up any monsters!" He could not hide the fact that he was scared of pretty much everything here. Normally, people scared him too. Especially people near his age, however for some reason he felt fine with Riley. Maybe because everything else here was at least ten times more scary than humans. He nearly pitched a fit when the fox spoke to him, but he did not want to fall. He looked back at the fox finally remembering some of what the fox had said. "What happens if I don't tell them I'm not afraid, and I don't mean it if I do? I-I dunno if I can do that."