In the Free roleplay section, the place for newer roleplayers or people who don't want to care about getting too serious, there is [url=]Marvel Cosmic Cinematic Universe[/url] and [url=]Strange things are going to happen here, okay?[/url]. They both started really recently, so I'm not sure how well they'll do, but you'll be able to play from the start. The Marvel RP is looking for a small group of around five, so you'll want to join quickly if you do want to join. It doesn't look like any are currently in the Casual section, the place for most of us RPers that like to take things seriously but aren't novel writers, but perhaps one will pop up. I'd suggest keeping your eye on the [url=]Casual Interest Checks[/url]. In the Advanced roleplay section, the place for super serious roleplayers that post in walls of text and put so much thought into their characters that they basically wrote an entire three-piece story just for their background, there's [url=]Create-A-Hero[/url]. It's in its Season 2 stage, which alone has been going on for about a year now. However, it seems to still be pretty active, so I imagine the core group of players in it will stick it through when the going gets tough.