All done! Can't think of any more aspirational abilities right now, but any criticism is welcome. [hider=Lilith Valentine] [Center] [h2] [i][b][color=ed1c24]Lilith 'The Heartbreaker' Valentine[/color][/b][/i] [/h2] Race: Human Archetype: Rogue Dark Shadow: Fugitive Gender: Female Age: 25 [b]Appearance[/b]: A few inches above average height for a woman, Lilith carries herself with a lithe playfulness. Wavy light blonde hair falls to her shoulders, complimenting her fair complexion. The woman seems to have a permanent crooked smirk, with large, piercing blue eyes, Lilith comes across as a very charming young woman. Lilith's typical attire consists a blouse, the frillier the sleeves and collar the better, a tricorn hat with some description of plumage (the feathery the better). Breeches, leather riding boots, corset, an ornate doublet or coat, and a cloak. Hanging at her side is usually a cutlass, or sabre of some sort, as well as several small blades concealed on her person. [hider=A typical day in the life of Lilith] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: A sly half smile here, a cheeky wink there, the young woman's initial impression is that of a lovable scoundrel. And so it should, for a scoundrel is what Lilith is. A charming, intelligent scoundrel, but one nonetheless. Lilith is a joker, she is rowdy, and often crude. She can be the calmest, most calculated person at the gambling table one second, the next she will be the first throwing punches and words that would make a sailor blush. She can mingle effortlessly with the highest born in society, as well as the lowest. She is both reckless, and cautious, depending on what side the coin that is her personality lands on that day. At a basic level, however, Lilith is a kind person, protector of the underdogs of society, just trying her best to balance the playing field in her own messy, morally grey kind of way. [b]Backstory[/b]: Born into a wealthy merchant family, Lilith never wanted for anything growing up. While they were not quite nobility, they brushed shoulders with the high born of society often enough that the young girl had airs and graces thrust upon her, a mantle she would thoughtlessly wear for much much of her formative years. It was not until she was older that the young woman started to notice the world outside her gilded cage. One act of kindness was all it took to shake her worldview. Lilith has accompanied her father and three older brothers into town for a day at the market. The young woman was perusing the stalls selling more expensive trinkets, as she often did, hoping that this month's shipment of foreign trinkets was greater than, frankly, the last shipment's abysmal display. She wasn't paying much attention, as her eye had been caught by finely crafted deck of ivory playing cards. "'Scuse me miss." Lilith felt a tap on her shoulder, as she turned she almost immediately repelled from the figure before her. Messy red hair, rags for clothes, one dull, grey, sightless eye, and more scars that Lilith could count. The middle aged woman before her was truly... worn. "Believe this belongs to ya." Lilith down at the coin purse in the woman's open palm. That was her purse! The scarred woman chuckled, the shock on Lilith's face must have been obvious. "Ye, was 'im." The woman looked and nodded further down the street. Lilith followed the scarred woman's eyes, well, eye, and saw a finely dressed gentleman leaning against the wall of a building, his finery not so fine anymore as he clumsily tried to regain his composure and move on like nothing has happened, but not without throwing a piercing glance back at the red head. "You'd reckon one as fancy as that wouldn' need it, ah well." Before Lilith could muster the words to respond, the woman had already handed over the purse and was on her merry way, whistling a jolly tune as she continued up the street and into a crowd, out of sight, leaving the girl in a shocked stupor. It took a few days for what had happened to sink in, this wasn't the way things were supposed to be, knaves and guttersnipes were not known for their honesty, especially when it came to money. The woman obsessed over this for weeks, until she mustered the courage to seek out answers. Lilith spent hours scouring the town, seeking out the scarred woman. Venturing into parts and back alleys, that in hindsight, were probably a terrible idea, given that she hadn't even made an effort to look 'not rich'. After many a strange look, and near run in or two, as well as a couple of bribes, she eventually found the woman in a tavern called the Iron Maiden. After an initial conversation that even the scarred woman was surprised to see Lilith again, she later revealed her name as Monroe, yes, as in [i]that[/i] Monroe. Lilith had no idea who [i]that[/i] Monroe was supposed to be, which kind of hurt the red head's pride somewhat. Had her infamy faded already? Apparently Monroe used to a thief, a rogue, a highwayman, a burglar, a duellist, and a dozen other trades and characterisations that Lilith couldn't remember. Retired now, but still feisty! She was keen to remind everyone in the room of this, often and loudly, much to the eye rolling of the other patrons. This was a common occurrence it seemed. Monroe began regaling young Lilith with tales of her adventures, of how she took from those who had everything to give to those who had nothing, how she fought against the injustices of those who abused their power, those who trod on the weak to benefit themselves. They were all great stories, stories that kept Lilith coming back for more. Several months passed, and there appeared to be no end to Monroe's tales, not that Lilith was complaining, the young woman was enraptured with the idea, and in her time in the poorer parts of town, she had grown very fond of the common folk, despite all their hardships, they still managed to make the best of what they had. After one particularly good story involving pirates, a priest, and a sordid love affair with said priest, Monroe looked at Lilith, her heavily scarred mouth curling into a smirk. "So, young miss Valentine, fancy a go at makin' your own adventures, eh?" And the rest, as they say, is history. Until Monroe disappeared. [b]Dark Shadow: Fugitive[/b] "Larceny, arson, forgery, piracy, impersonating a nun, impersonating a [i]priest[/i], assault, unlawful killing, sabotage, breaking and entering, disorderly conduct at a royal function, specifically..." The judge paused from reading the list of charges against the defendant, closing his eyes as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, a sigh escaping his lips. "Groping King Lombardi in a wholly inappropriate manner." "To be fair, your honour," Lilith chimed in, raising her bound hands slightly. "His Royal Majestical Highness didn't seem too perturbed with that last one." She glanced over at the stand containing members of the royal family, narrowing her eyes as a sly smile curled her lips. The King in question smiled back, almost raising his hand to wave before being elbowed in the ribs by the Queen, forcing him to look away. The judge peered over his spectacles at the young woman. "Yes, well, regardless, the number of accusations levied against you, as well as an uncountable number of eye witnesses to your crimes, of which you seem to show no remorse for, I am forced to impose the greatest punish-" "Trial by combat, your honour." Lilith interrupted. The judge blinked a few times, before clearing his throat and placing his papers on the stand, an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. "How many times is this now, Miss Valentine?" "The sixth, your imperial honourableness." Lilith has made many enemies in her years of crime, several bounties on her head, from several different nations, assassination attempts, yet she always managed to keep just one step ahead. This has come at a cost however, Lilith has been forced to completely disassociate from her family. Even finding a safe place to sleep is an ordeal, she is forced to look over her shoulder every moment of every day. [b]Strengths[/b]: [b][i]Tools of the Trade[/i][/b] - Lock-picking, sabotage, detecting/setting traps, and general skulduggery, there are very few places and people that Lilith can not gain access to. [b][i]Derring-do[/i][/b] - Lilith is gallant, charming, and available for thrilling heroics at every possible opportunity. [b][i]Social Chameleon[/i][/b] - Monroe's training, as well as her upbringing, has given Lilith the ability to blend into any social setting, whether that be the fanciest of balls, or the rowdiest of harbour gambling houses, she can adapt and thrive. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [b][i]A Good Heart[/i][/b] - On a basic level, Lilith is a kind soul, and in this world, kind souls are tested to breaking point. [b][i]Recklessness[/i][/b] - Lilith is prone to bouts of endangering herself, sometimes to help another, other times because it seems like the fun thing to do. Either way, these kinds of acts have a habit of eventually catching up at the worst of times. [b][i]Impudence[/i][/b] - Lilith believes respect is earned, not given simply because one demands it. A cutting remark here, a sarcastic retort there, this belief has gotten her in trouble with a lot of important people. [b]Aspirational Powers/Abilities:[/b] [b][i]Determination[/i][/b] - Power of will is not something that can be learned or taught, Lilith has courage and resolve, a pure indomitable spirit, strength of character, and a complete refusal on a fundamental level to give up. [b][i]The More the Merrier[/i][/b] - Lilith's proficiency in combat has reached a level whereby she can manipulate and confuse those around her, with a series of feints and ripostes, as well as a bit of dirty fighting here and there, she can disarm, trip, or trick an opponent into hurting an ally. [b][i]Silver Tongue[/i][/b] - You can convince anyone to do anything you want, you just have to find the right combination of words. [b][i]Lucky Devil[/i][/b] - A little bit of luck can go a long way, it can turn misfortune into fortune, and defeat into victory. [b][i]Thrilling Heroics[/i][/b] - Whether they agree with her or not, word of Lilith's deeds have set the rumour mill alight, every child wants to be her, every man wants to bed her, and every woman wished the former two would shut the bloody hell up talking about her. [b][i]Master of Disguise[/i][/b] - In Lilith's line of work, hiding in plain sight is a necessity. [/center] [/hider]